Colins College

Colin Fry

Colin Fry

Colins College The International College of Spiritual Science & Healing

The purpose of Colin Fry’s College is to promote and advance spiritual gifts in our students.

These being:

  • Clairvoyance
  • Clairaudience
  • Clairsentience
  • Healing
  • Psychic Art
  • Physical mediumship
  • Psychic abilities

We also promote studies in spiritual wellbeing and positive thinking.

The foundation of the Colin’s College is based on the principles of Spiritualism, but students are not required to be Spiritualists to attend the college courses.

Colin Fry - College

We do not promote any philosophy that is contradictory to the principles of Spiritualism. However, tutors may discuss certain philosophies as theory.

Colin Fry, Colins College

Colin Fry

Colins College

Colin Fry Enterprises Ltd.