The Angel of Mercy

Work with the Angels for Guidance and Inspiration

The Angel of Mercy offers us the love of God as a living reality. When we are faced with an unbearable situation and suddenly there is a shift of energy or a change in circumstances, we are being blessed by The Angel of Mercy. We are helped constantly to turn our thoughts and attitudes around through the aid of Divine mercy. It may be in small and subtle ways that we experience mercy. It can come in the form of a friendly phone call when we are feeling despair, or a gentle boost to our confidence in circumstances where we are unsure of ourselves. It could unfold in so many situations which we do not control, or where we are affected by our conscious minds. For instance, we could meet a person who changes our lives, or we could be accepted or rejected for a job or a course of study.

If you draw The Angel of Mercy UPRIGHT the card has the following meanings:

The Angel of Mercy is a card that signifies a break (or need for a break) from normal life. This can also mean that you or someone in your life may withdraw for a time. This withdrawal is not likely to be permanent. It also occasionally means illness or time in the hospital or (even more rarely) in jail. It’s a clear signifier to give people their space.

Upright Meanings: contemplation, feeling overwhelmed, spiritual counselling or support, mental overload, regrouping, rest, introspection, self-protection, planning for the future, relaxation, strife, hospitalisation, needing solitude, fear, anxiety, meditation, peace and quiet, recuperation, retreat, stress, temporary exile, sanctuary

The Angel of Mercy represents fear, anxiety and stress. You will be feeling overwhelmed and mentally overloaded when it appears. This card tells you that the issues you are facing are actually not as bad as you believe them to be and there are solutions available. However, it suggest that you are allowing negativity to set in and becoming so overwhelmed that you cannot see the woods for the trees. This card is more to do with your mental state than any problems you are facing. Relax, regroup and contemplate your situation in a calm rational way. If you leave aside your fears and logically plan for the future, you will find a way forward. The Angel of Mercy card also indicates that you are in need of peace and quiet, introspection, rest, relaxation and sanctuary. It is a card of recuperation and hospitalisation. And it signifies having faith or receiving spiritual counselling or support.

If you draw The Angel of Mercy REVERSED this angel card has these meanings:

When The Angel of Mercy reversed appears in a reading, you or someone very close to you is exhausted, on every level. This is not a time to push yourself beyond your limits, to do so now is to risk all that you have worked so hard for: your health, your work, your relationships. It’s more than okay to take a break. It’s critical now.

Reversed Meanings: re-joining the world, restlessness, social unrest, awakening, not accepting counselling or support, lack of self-protection, finding mental strength, mental breakdown/ collapse, labor strikes, recovering slowly, renewed activity, coming out of isolation, burn-out, healing, not taking care of yourself

The Angel of Mercy reversed represents awakening and finding mental strength. You will be coming out of isolation after a period of solitude or mental overload and re-joining the world. This card tells you that you are slowly recovering and that healing is possible. Alternatively, The Angel of Mercy card reversed can indicate that your stress or anxiety levels have reached such a point that burn-out or mental breakdown or collapse is imminently possible if you don’t start taking care of yourself. You will be experiencing extreme levels of anxiety and a sense of restlessness when it appears.