Upright Meanings: boredom, feeling trapped, rebirth, confined, uncertainty, lack of direction, self-limiting, reversal, change, needing release, improvement, suspension
The Number Twelve card indicates that you are in a situation that you are not happy with. You may be feeling like you are stuck in a rut or trapped in a situation or frame of mind that is not making you happy but you have the power to release yourself. This may involve walking away from the situation or simply changing your perspective on it. The Number Twelve may also signify that you may be facing a dilemma and are unsure of what path to take. You may feel that things are not turning out the way you planned with this major card appearing in your spread. You need to step outside yourself and look at your situation from a different angle. Give yourself time to just relax, stop trying to control things and just let them be, the correct course of action will become clear to you in time.
Upright Meanings: willpower, creativity, intellect, self-confidence, influence, sleight of hand, power, logic, resourcefulness, ability, skill, will-power, dexterity
What does The Number 1 Mean? When The Number One appears in a card reading it is a sign that you have all the skills and abilities you need to be successful. The universe is aligning to bring positive changes your way. This major card shows you that you must use your intellect, concentration and willpower to make things happen. The Number One usually signifies a time in your life when you have the power to manifest the outcome you want. If it is referring to other people in your life it usually refers to someone you can learn from whose ability and wisdom will impress you.
What does The Number 2 Mean?
Upright Meanings: impatience, virtue, desirability, purity, learning, spirituality, creativity, mystery, wisdom, intuition, thirst for knowledge, knowledge, unattainability, higher power, sensuality, subconscious
The Number Two possesses intuition, mystery and sensuality combined with common sense. When The Number Two appears in a reading she indicates that now is the time to trust your instincts and go with your gut feeling. Pay attention to your dreams and the signs and symbols the universe is sending you when this major card appears in a reading.
More Detail including Reversed Meanings