Spiritual Healers in Truro

Find Spiritual Healers in Truro

Spiritual Healers

Sharon Connor, Chingford, London E4
07951 117709

Brighitta Moser-Clark, London, Crystal Palace, London SE19

Clare Mosley, London, North Kensington, London W10 6AE
07947 483863

Spiritual Healers Truro

Numerology Health Reading

Spiritual Healers: If you offer Spiritual Healing in Truro please contact us for your free listing here. If you were searching for a Spiritual Healer in Truro or any of the following areas, please let us know who you go to for your spiritual healing. We had a major website hack, probably from a competitor and lost all healers info so we would be very grateful for your help in recreating it.

Covering the following areas in Truro: Bryher, Camborne, Falmouth, Hayle, Helston, Marazion, Newquay, Penryn, Penzance, Perranporth, Redruth, St Agnes, St Columb, St Ives, St Martins, St Marys, Tresco, Truro

Spiritual Healers in  Truro

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Numerology and Health

Looking into Numerology for health begins with the core emotional issues you may find yourself grappling with, which can in turn manifest in ongoing or recurring physical concerns.

“The Number Seventy Five represents common sense, responsibility, practicality, working hard for what you want and finishing what you start. This minor card is a wish card that signifies achieving your wishes or dreams through perseverance and determination. It can also represent being environmentally conscientious and an animal lover. It can also signify defending and protecting your home, family or those close to you. As a person, The Number Seventy Five represents an adult (usually 20-35 year of age and usually male) who is stable, reliable, loyal and patient. He is ambitious, hard-working, protective and honest. He can also be conservative and a bit stubborn. The Number Seventy Five may have issues with showing emotions. Usually, this is because he may have been raised by a father figure who had difficulty showing affection (a type of father figure). The Number Seventy Five shows he cares by working hard to provide for the people he loves much like the father or male role model in his life did. He may be an Earth sign such as Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.”,

“In terms of health The reversed Number Thirty Two points to people nearby who are ready, willing, and able, to be helpful to you in terms of your health. This can be professionals, or simply an inspirational exercise buddy or friend. Don’t try to do everything on your own. This card shows you’ll get farther being open to the understandings, good influences, and expertise of others.”,

“Consider the spiritual aspect of life with regard to your working life whether or not you work at a traditional job. Why are you doing what ; you are doing? What growth are you creating? You will benefit from actively reading more about spirituality and talking with those who come from belief systems other than your own. Be open, and you will benefit.”,

Full List of areas covered on our Truro Spiritual Healers Readers page:

Albaston, Altarnun, Amalebra, Angarrack, Antony, Ashton, Baldhu, Barripper, Bathpool, Belowda, Bennacott, Berepper, Bilberry, Bissoe, Black Cross, Blackwater, Blisland, Blue Anchor, Blunts, Bocaddon, Boconnoc, Bodieve, Bodinnick, Bodmin, Bodwen, Bohortha, Bojewyan, Boleigh, Bolingey, Bolventor, Bosavern, Boscastle, Boscoppa, Bossiney, Boswinger, Botallack, Botusfleming, Boyton, Brane, Bray Shop, Brazacott, Breage, Bridge, Bridgend, Bridgetown, Brighton, Brill, Bude, Budock Water, Bugle, Burlawn, Burras, Buryas Bridge, Bylane End, Cadgwith, Callestick, Callington, Calstock, Camborne, Camelford, Canon’s Town, Canworthy Water, Carbis Bay, Carclew, Cardinham, Cargreen, Carharrack, Carines, Carkeel, Carland Cross, Carlyon Bay, Carn Brea, Carne, Carnhell Green, Carnon Downs, Carnyorth, Carthew, Catchall, Caudworthy, Cawsand, Chacewater, Chapel Amble, Chapel Town, Charlestown, Chilsworthy, Chyandour, Clubworthy, Coad’s Green, Codda, Colan, Common Moor, Congdon’s Shop, Connor Downs, Constantine, Coombe, Coppathorne, Couch’s Mill, Coverack, Crackington, Crackington Haven, Crafthole, Crantock, Creed, Cremyll, Cripplesease, Crosslanes, Crowan, Crowlas, Crowntown, Crows-an-wra, Crugmeer, Cubert, Cury, Darite, Davidstow, Delabole, Devoran, Dobwalls, Doublebois, Downderry, Downgate, Downhead, Duloe, Dunmere, East Looe, East Taphouse, Eastcott, Edgcumbe, Egloshayle, Egloskerry, Falmouth, Feock, Fivelanes, Flexbury, Flushing, Four Lanes, Fowey, Foxhole, Fraddam, Fraddon, Freathy, Garras, Germoe, Gerrans, Gloweth, Godolphin Cross, Golant, Golberdon, Goldsithney, Goonbell, Goonhavern, Gooseham, Gorran Churchtown, Gorran Haven, Grade, Grampound, Grampound Road, Grimscott, Gulval, Gunnislake, Gunwalloe, Gweek, Gwennap, Gwenter, Gwinear, Gwithian, Hallworthy, Halsetown, Harrowbarrow, Hatt, Haye, Hayle, Heamoor, Helebridge, Helford, Helland, Hellandbridge, Helston, Helstone, Henwood, Herodsfoot, Hersham, Hessenford, Hewas Water, High Street, Holmbush, Holywell, Horningtops, Illogan, Indian Queens, Jacobstow, Kea, Kehelland, Kelly Bray, Kelynack, Kennards House, Kenwyn, Kerris, Kestle Mill, Kilkhampton, Kingsand, Kuggar, Ladock, Ladycross, Lamellion, Lamorran, Landewednack, Landrake, Landulph, Laneast, Lane-end, Langdon, Langore, Lanivet, Lanlivery, Lanner, Lanreath, Lansallos, Lanteglos, Latchley, Launcells, Launcells Cross, Launceston, Lawhitton, Leedstown, Lelant, Lerryn, Lescrow, Lesnewth, Lewannick, Ley, Lezant, Linkinhorne, Liskeard, Little Petherick, Lizard, Lockengate, Long Downs, Longrock, Lostwithiel, Lower Boscaswell, Lower Drift, Luckett, Ludgvan, Luxulyan, Mabe Burnthouse, Madron, Maidenwell, Malpas, Manaccan, Marazion, Marhamchurch, Markwell, Marshgate, Mawgan, Mawla, Mawnan, Mawnan Smith, Maxworthy, Menabilly, Menheniot, Merrymeet, Merther, Mevagissey, Michaelstow, Middlehill, Millbrook, Minions, Mitchell, Mithian, Morvah, Morval, Morwenstow, Mount, Mount Edgcumbe, Mount Hawke, Mountjoy, Mousehole, Muchlarnick, Mullion, Mylor, Mylor Bridge, Nancegollan, Nancledre, Nanpean, Nanstallon, New Mill, New Mills, New Park, New Polzeath, Newbridge, Newlyn, Newlyn East, Newport, Newquay, Newtown in St Martin, North Hill, North Petherwin, North Tamerton, Old Kea, Otterham, Padstow, Par, Paul, Pelynt, Penare, Pendeen, Pendoggett, Pengover Green, Penhale, Penhallow, Penhalvean, Penjerrick, Pennance, Penpillick, Penpol, Penpoll, Penrose, Penryn, Pensilva, Pentewan, Pentire, Penwithick, Penzance, Perranarworthal, Perranporth, Perranuthnoe, Perranzabuloe, Phillack, Philleigh, Pillaton, Piper’s Pool, Pityme, Playing Place, Polapit Tamar, Polbathic, Polgooth, Polkerris, Polmassick, Polperro, Polruan, Polyphant, Polzeath, Ponsanooth, Pool, Porkellis, Port Gaverne, Port Isaac, Porth, Porth Mellin, Porth Navas, Porthallow, Porthcothan, Porthcurno, Porthleven, Porthmeor, Portholland, Porthoustock, Porthpean, Porthtowan, Portloe, Portquin, Portreath, Portscatho, Portwrinkle, Poughill, Poundstock, Praa Sands, Praze-an-Beeble, Predannack Wollas, Probus, Quethiock, Quintrell Downs, Rame, Red Post, Redmoor, Redruth, Rejerrah, Relubbus, Retew, Retyn, Rezare, Rilla Mill, Rinsey, Roche, Rock, Rockhead, Rose, Rosewarne, Roseworthy, Row, Ruan Lanihorne, Ruan Major, Ruan Minor, Ruddlemoor, Rumford, Ruthernbridge, Ruthvoes, Saltash, Sancreed, Sandplace, Scarcewater, Scorrier, Seaton, Sennen, Sennen Cove, Seworgan, Sheviock, Shop, Shortlanesend, Sithney, South Hill, South Petherwin, South Wheatley, St Agnes, St Allen, St Ann’s Chapel, St Anthony, St Austell, St Blazey, St Blazey Gate, St Breock, St Breward, St Buryan, St Cleer, St Clement, St Clether, St Columb Major, St Columb Minor, St Columb Road, St Day, St Dennis, St Dominick, St Endellion, St Enoder, St Erme, St Erth, St Erth Praze, St Ervan, St Eval, St Ewe, St Gennys, St Germans, St Hilary, St Issey, St Ive, St Ives, St John, St Just, St Just in Roseland, St Keverne, St Kew, St Kew Highway, St Keyne, St Lawrence, St Levan, St Mabyn, St Martin, St Mawes, St Mawgan, St Mellion, St Merryn, St Mewan, St Michael Caerhays, St Michael Penkevil, St Minver, St Neot, St Pinnock, St Stephen, St Stephens, St Stephen’s, St Teath, St Tudy, St Veep, St Wenn, Stenalees, Stibb, Sticker, Stithians, Stoke Climsland, Stoptide, Stratton, Summercourt, Sweetshouse, Talskiddy, Taylors Cross, Temple, Three Burrows, Threemilestone, Tideford, Tintagel, Titson, Torpoint, Towednack, Townshend, Traboe, Trebarrow, Trebartha, Trebarwith, Trebetherick, Trebudannon, Trebullett, Treburley, Trebyan, Tredavoe, Tredinnick, Treen, Tregadillett, Tregavethan, Tregear, Tregeare, Tregidden, Tregolds, Tregole, Tregonetha, Tregony, Tregurrian, Trekenner, Trelash, Trelassick, Treligga, Trelights, Trelill, Trelissick, Tremail, Tremaine, Tremar, Trematon, Tremethick Cross, Trenance, Trenarren, Treneglos, Trenewan, Trerule Foot, Trescowe, Tresillian, Tresinney, Treskinnick Cross, Tresmeer, Tresparrett, Tresparrett Posts, Trethurgy, Trevalga, Trevanson, Trevarren, Trevarrick, Trevellas, Trevelmond, Treverva, Trevescan, Trevigro, Treviscoe, Trevone, Trewalder, Trewarmett, Trewarthenick, Trewassa, Trewellard, Trewen, Trewidland, Trewint, Trewithian, Trewoon, Trewornan, Treyarnon, Trispen, Troon, Troswell, Truro, Truthan, Tuckingmill, Twelveheads, Tywardreath, Tywardreath Highway, Upton, Upton Cross, Valley Trudde, Veryan, Victoria, Wadebridge, Wainhouse Corner, Warbstow, Warleggan, Washaway, Week Orchard, Week St Mary, Wendron, Werrington, West Curry, West Looe, West Pentire, West Taphouse, Westdowns, White Cross, Whitecross, Whitstone, Widegates, Widemouth Bay, Winnards Perch, Withiel, Woodford, Yeolmbridge, Zelah, Zennor