1000 ANGELS: Pray to The Angel of Delay to draw close
This angel comes forward as part of a group of Archangels and brings 3 more angels for a balance to help on the issue of Delay
Connecting with The Angel of Delay for Help: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, or just think it, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Delay please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Delay brings this: “I am finding it easier to sit up straight”
The Guardian Angel of Spiritual Growth represents progress, moving into calmer waters, moving on or moving forward. It is a minor card of overcoming hardship, healing, relief and stability so you can expect problems in your life to settle down and things to be much easier to deal with. The Guardian Angel of Spiritual Growth can also represent escaping, running away, journeys, travel, travelling overseas and going on holiday. It can signify feeling lethargic and deflated after coming through a tough time or the calm after the storm. It is also a card of intuition, inner guidance and spirit guides.
The primary purpose of our earthly incarnation is our development as spiritual beings. It is this Guardian Angel who guards our spiritual growth throughout life, always defending our souls. This angel blesses all the activities which nurture our spirit’s welfare, which in fact means the things which are loving and respectful to ourselves. It helps us to discover what we need to recognize: the fact that we are loved and cherished. If what our spirit needs is fun then this angel will encourage us to lighten up and perhaps seek the company of a good friend and have an enjoyable time.
The Archangel Ariel indicates that you have been working very hard and it will soon start to pay off. This minor card means that things are coming to fruition so you can expect results when it appears in your spread. It is a very welcome card if you have been persevering with a situation or task and have felt like you’re getting nowhere, as it tells you success is just around the corner! Whatever you have been putting your energy, you will start to reap the rewards. It can also signify being at a crossroads in terms of which life direction to take or needing to take stock of things and make a decision. The Archangel Ariel can represent manifestation of ideas, ambitions or goals so now is a great time to focus on what you want to achieve and make it happen. It is also a card of harvesting, cultivation, growing, planning, patience and finishing what you started.
One of the few female arch angels, Ariel is the protector of nature and its inhabitants. She seeks to bring peace to this world. Not for the betterment of man, but for the sake of all other life that shares this planet with us. She understands that there needs to be balance within an ecosystem for things to remain in working order. that’s not to say that she doesn’t help humans as well. Ariel tries to lead those in need to natural resources such as food or water to them.
When The Archangel Raziel appears in a card reading it is a sign that you have all the skills and abilities you need to be successful. The universe is aligning to bring positive changes your way. This major card shows you that you must use your intellect, concentration and willpower to make things happen. The Archangel Raziel usually signifies a time in your life when you have the power to manifest the outcome you want. If it is referring to other people in your life it usually refers to someone you can learn from whose ability and wisdom will impress you.
Raziel always knows the answer. He heightens our faith and belief in God and spirits. To me, he is the most knowledgeable of all the angels. He possesses a deeper understanding of life in general, and encourages us to strengthen our bonds to the spiritual realm especially in God and the Archangels. His energy is mature and wise. His words are direct, intelligent, and patient. He has a lot of knowledge to share, so it’s best to pay attention when he’s around. You can call on him when you need to restore your faith in God, or if you need to restore faith in yourself. I find that he comes around when I have a lot of life questions. He answers them in ways I never could imagine.
The Archangel Hofniel represents a stalemate, truce or being at a crossroads. It indicates that you are sitting on the fence or struggling to make/ avoiding a difficult, stressful or painful decision. It is the card of coming face to face with your fears. It can also signify being torn between two loyalties, relationships, situations, offers or people. It represents being caught in the middle of an argument or conflict and trying to mediate between opposing parties. The Archangel Hofniel also represents blocking emotions, being in denial, blindness and an inability or unwillingness to see the truth.
The Archangel Hofniel is often controversial but you will find many psychics, mediums, angelic messengers who consider him a holy angel and they encourage you to pray to him. Hofniel will fight in your behalf when you are too weak mentally to accept the challenge of life. Archangel Hofniel, overseen by Archangel Gabriel, teaches us the way back from darkness and despair. Hofniel enfolds us in his divine pink rays and lifts us out of the darkness so we can begin to see the light.