The Angel of Cooperation

1000 ANGELS: Request The Angel of Cooperation to draw close

This angel comes forward as part of a group of Guardian Angels and brings 3 more angels for a balance to help on the issue of Cooperation

Appealing to The Angel of Cooperation for Support: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, as you would talk to a friend, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Cooperation please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Cooperation brings this: “I deserve to make peace with my past”

Angel of Cooperation
Angel Prince of the East

When The Angel Prince of the East card appears things should be going well for you and life should be very harmonious. The Angel Prince of the East is a very positive card. While it normally relates to unity and love in romantic relationships it can signify harmony and mutual respect and appreciation in friendships and partnerships. This minor card can also signify equality and balance when it appears in your spread. As this is an attraction card, you may find you are popular or sought after in many areas on your life!

Our feelings are a strong and elemental force which can unleash great waves of emotion. Feelings, if unexpressed, ferment and form an unconscious pull of their own, eventually demanding to be expressed and resolved. When we are open to feelings, on the other hand, emotions flow like water. What we seek is a balance in which we are aware of our feelings and can also express them. We want to feel what is true for us rather than suppress our life force in bottled up emotions. Repressed anger, sadness or anxiety will inevitably draw us into situations which can act like a magnet, pulling our feelings up to the surface. If we are unaware, our emotional projections may make us feel we are the victims of a situation, rather than owning that it has been created out of our unexpressed emotions.

Angel of Cooperation
Angel of Wisdom

The Angel of Wisdom represents freedom, adventure, travel, moving abroad and foreign lands. It can indicate hard work paying off, success and being happy with your choices or the outcome of your situation. This card also signifies foresight, forward planning, moving forward, growth and expansion. It is a minor card of self-confidence, self-belief, spreading your wings and experiencing life. It tells you that fortune favors the brave. It can also represent holiday romances and long distance relationships.

This angel is the bearer of God’s wisdom, which is carried throughout the universe to all those who seek to know The Word of God. This angel helps us find our wisdom by opening ourselves to the depths of our experience and knowing what is true for us. When we give ourselves the opportunity to reflect, synthesize and distil our personal experiences we find wisdom. With it we can progress along our path, enriching our understanding and deepening our spirituality.

Angel of Cooperation
Guardian Angel of Maturity

The Guardian Angel of Maturity represents rows, arguments, conflict, fighting and disagreements. It signifies struggle, opposition, battles, aggression and temper. This minor card represents clashing personalities or egos, pent up energy and aggression, irritation and frustration. You can expect a lack of cooperation, lack of control, pettiness, strikes, chaos or unruliness when it appears in your reading. It can also represent being rough, defensive or territorial and can signify competition and sports.

This angel helps us to make careful and wise decisions for our welfare and for the welfare of those in our care, whether we are supervisors, carers or parents. The Guardian Angel of Maturity helps and guides us to manage high degrees of responsibility for who we are or how we want our lives to be. It helps us when we feel that the weight of our choices may be too much for us to bear and supports us in finding the right answers to the perplexing issues which confront us in our work and in our relationships.

Angel of Cooperation
Guardian Angel Rochel

The Guardian Angel Rochel represents happy families, celebrations, surprises, parties, weddings and events. It signifies coming home and reunions, feeling like you fit in and being made to feel welcome and supported. This minor card indicates success, prosperity, stability, security and laying down roots. It tells you that you will be proud of your achievements and that your self-esteem will be high when it appears. It also represents team work, community spirit and communities or families coming together.

The Guardian Angel Rochel is the angel of restitution allowing things to find their way back to you. He helps you to find lost or stolen objects, thoughts, or feelings. He helps us find our way home both literally and metaphorically. The angel Rochel can help change our behavior if we covet things we should not and protects us from egotism, possessiveness, and jealousy. If you are away from home, physically or mentally Rochel can help you return or make the right decision.

This angel is also know as The Angel of Happy Families