The Angel of Bad Luck

1000 ANGELS: Manifest The Angel of Bad Luck to draw close

This angel comes forward as part of a group of Archangels and brings 3 more angels for a balance to help on the issue of Bad Luck

Looking to The Angel of Bad Luck for Guidance: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, or just think it, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Bad Luck please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Bad Luck brings this: “I always approach a potential partner without hesitation”

Angel of Bad Luck
Angel of Forgiveness

A card that can refer to a death in the recent or distant past, it generally does not mean physical death. The Angel of Forgiveness usually signifies spiritual transformation and a time of change and new beginnings, not actual death! The transformation or change that The Angel of Forgiveness can bring can be difficult, unexpected, sudden or even traumatic but it will bring with it a new lease of life. Its best to try not to resist the change The Angel of Forgiveness brings as resisting it will only make the transition difficult and painful. Instead try to embrace the change as a fresh start. This major card can also signify the need to let go of old issues or beliefs when it appears in a spread. It may be telling you that you need to draw a line under the past in order to move forward in a positive direction. This transformation can be a bit of a shock to the system but ultimately it’s a positive one.

The Angel of Forgiveness encourages and prompts us to look at past hurts and resentments in a new light. We gain in self-respect and wisdom when we are able to let go of the past and forgive those who have hurt us. Otherwise we remain stuck in believing we are victims, with no possibility of altering our lives. Forgiveness does not mean we condone bad behaviour, nor does it mean we necessarily have to like the people who treated us badly. It does mean, however, that as we forgive others we release our anger and resentment. When we forgive we are left with lightness of spirit and a good feeling about ourselves. Without that we do not have any possibility for true empowerment. We would still believe that others did us wrong and we would always carry that resentment. It corrodes our insides; it is the stuff disease is made of.

Angel of Bad Luck
Archangel Azrael

The Archangel Azrael indicates hope for the future, inspiration and contentment. With this major card in your spread you will find yourself feeling very positive, motivated and free. You will be feeling very serene and in tune with the universe as The Archangel Azrael is a card of spiritual connection. The Archangel Azrael is a very positive omen. It is the period of calm and stability that follows the storm that was The Tower. The Archangel Azrael indicates that you have come through your tough times with a renewed sense of yourself and the world around you, you are full of calm, well-balanced energy and you are open to healing the wounds of the past. Whatever mental, emotional, physical or spiritual issues you were experiencing are now behind you and you are ready to embrace what your future holds. Trust that the universe has a plan for you and trust the feeling you have that everything is going to be OK. You will be feeling confident in yourself and people will like you for who you are with this card in your reading. The Archangel Azrael can also indicate creativity and artistic flair, so now would be a great time to take up an artistic hobby.

The archangel Azrael is one of the arch angels whom we all know in one form or another. Often known as the angel of death, Azrael’s role is to aid with death. Souls that become lost or need of guidance are his wards. As are those here on Earth who are struggling with the loss of someone they loved. Don’t mistake Azrael to be the bringer of death. He doesn’t cause it or wish it but helps in the instances where it has happened. He is described as the Angel of Death, but this is a good thing. He comforts families and friends whose loved one passed. For the passing, he helps them to the light. He offers a lot of compassion and wisdom, and is here to also remind us that we have much to live for even after death.

Angel of Bad Luck
Guardian Angel Elemiah

The Guardian Angel Elemiah is generally an indicator of luck or destiny and it is a major signifier of change. When The Guardian Angel Elemiah appears upright in your reading big changes are coming. These changes should be for your greater good, but remember not all change is easy even if it’s leading you to your destiny! The Guardian Angel Elemiah signals that the universe is working in your favor to help you reach your goals. Make sure you make the most of this time by focusing your intention on what you truly want! Know that the universe has a plan for you even if that plan is not clear to you at this point. The Guardian Angel Elemiah also represents the ever-changing cycles we go through in life. We must learn to accept this process as part of living, even if it’s uncomfortable at times. This trump card is also a karma card so remember to be nice to people on your way up, you may be meeting them again on your way back down!

The Angel Elemiah, commonly related to the mysteries and everything that humanity does not know. It is usually invoked to overcome the afflictions of the spirit and discover those who see to do us harm, to protect us from misfortune. He protects on our travels and also helps us to void accidents. Elemiah brings peace of mind for worried people and shows us the way when people are working against us. He reminds us to see the inner beauty in ourselves.

Angel of Bad Luck
Archangel Ramiel

The Archangel Ramiel is not a great card to get as it represents hardship, rejection or a negative change in circumstances. You may be feeling like the world is against you and nothing is going your way when it appears. It can signify bad luck, struggles or adversity. Homelessness, unemployment, alienation and poverty are all represented by this minor card and it can signify illness, divorce, breakups or scandals causing turmoil in your life. If you are feeling left out the cold, firstly, remember that this situation is only temporary and then ask yourself if you are reaching out for any help or support that is available. There is help out there for you. It may be in the form of moral support from friends or family, financial assistance from social welfare, or even the kindness of strangers but whatever it is, take it. Nothing lasts forever and this hardship too shall pass.

The Archangel Ramiel, angel of thunder, is another fallen angel, considered to be an angel of hope. Ramiel has two tasks assigned to him by God, he is the bearer of visions, and one of the angelic guides of the afterlife, escorting us into heaven when our time has come. He comes in readings to signify the death of miserable situations when it is time to move on or to bring hope while certain situations play out. He can help with dreams and channeling if we are struggling to connect to spirit.