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The Angel Yeialel symbolizes both healing and combat. He provides healing for all kinds of ailments. He helps you to battle depression especially. He also protects you from lies and abuse from people who harass you or take you for granted. He improves your awareness, clairvoyance, and judgment. This guardian angel brings you courage and great inner strength, especially when stuck in a rut you feel you can’t get out of. Fatigue due to apathy and lack of self help is to be fought against.
If you draw The Archangel Yeialel UPRIGHT the card has the following meanings:
When The Archangel Yeialel appears, you may feel as though you are carrying a very heavy burden. You may want to look hard at this and see if there are any ways that you might lighten your load either literally or figuratively. If you look carefully you may find that part of the burden you are carrying emotionally actually belongs to someone else. It will be important for you to pace yourself now. Don’t try to do too much.
Upright Meanings: responsibilities, burn-out, drudgery, resistance, duty, ruined, taken for granted, delays, saddled, keep going, lost focus, obligation, restricted, overburdened, stress, taking on too much, problems, major challenges, failure, lost your way, struggle, weight on shoulders, overloaded, uphill struggle, pain, lack of fun/ spontaneity
The Archangel Yeialel represents a situation that started off as a good idea but has now become a burden. It signifies problems, responsibilities, being overburdened, overloaded and stressed. It indicates that you have a huge weight on your shoulders and you feeling obligated, saddled and restricted. This minor card can signify being taken for granted, struggle, major challenges, drudgery and duty. It suggests that you have taken on too much and may be heading for burn out. This card does however also indicate that the end is insight and if you keep going you will be successful. It can also signify delays, losing your way, losing your focus and having an uphill struggle. It can indicate that the fun or spontaneity has gone out of your life.
If you draw The Archangel Yeialel REVERSED this angel card has these meanings:
When The Archangel Yeialel reversed appears, it’s important that you are completely honest with yourself and everyone around you now. No one is served by being deceptive. If you feel that someone who is important to you is being dishonest, you may well be correct. However, be certain before confronting anyone; and sometimes a confrontation is not necessary at all. Take it slow. You may be ‘stressed out.’
Reversed Meanings: duty-bound, no stamina, cleverness, off-loading, insurmountable problems, collapse, strength, breakdown, flogging a dead horse, dumping, shirking duties/responsibilities, energy, too much responsibility/ stress, learning to say no, working hard but getting nowhere, resigned to fate, not up to the challenge, cross too heavy to bear
The Archangel Yeialel reversed represents having too much responsibility and stress or a cross that’s too heavy to bear. When reversed, this minor card can signify insurmountable problems, flogging a dead horse and working hard but getting nowhere. It suggests that you are pushing yourself so far that you are on the brink of a collapse or a breakdown. It can also indicate being duty bound and resigned to your fate or having no stamina and not being up to the challenges you are facing. Alternatively, it can represent letting go, learning to say no, off-loading, dumping and shirking duties or responsibilities.