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The Angel of Harmony shares its grace with us when we choose to live a harmonious life. Living in harmony entails many things. It has a physical aspect, which can be found in the environment we choose to live in. It is also an emotional state, reflecting the degrees of openness, honesty and integrity we bring into our lives. We live in harmony, in part, when we accept our dependence on the earth which nourishes us and supports life. We are in harmony with our feelings when we give them the space to be real for us.
If you draw The Angel of Harmony UPRIGHT the card has the following meanings:
The Angel of Harmony is a card about choices. It often indicates confusion and can even also point to disorganization and too much going on.
Upright Meanings: choices, hallucinations, lots of options, dreaming, illusion, picking and choosing, opportunities, fantasy, decisions, wishful thinking, multiple possibilities, directionless, procrastination, imagination
The Angel of Harmony card represents having lots of options to choose from or multiple possibilities open to you. It can be an indication that you have so many choices or so many things going on at once that you may be overwhelmed or unable to focus properly. You need to limit the amount of things you are taking on to a manageable amount. There is no point in agreeing to do things if you can’t give them the time and attention they deserve. Try to be realistic about what you can commit to. The Angel of Harmony can also signify that you may be indulging in wishful thinking, fantasies or living in a dream world. When this minor card appears in a reading, it indicates that you need to make a decision in your life and realistically look at where you are. Take proactive steps to make your situation better rather than fantasising about how you want it to be. Your imagination is a great tool to help you envision your future but it will never happen unless you take action to make it happen.
If you draw The Angel of Harmony REVERSED this angel card has these meanings:
The Angel of Harmony is a card about choices. When the Seven is reversed, you are beginning to make them and to move toward action.
Reversed Meanings: determination, will-power, clarity, missed opportunities, poor choices, avoiding issues, lack of spiritual growth, sobriety, reality check, opportunities or options, lack of choice, reality, decisiveness, feeling trapped
The Angel of Harmony card reversed can indicate that you are finding clarity and getting back to reality after a period of indulging in fantasies or living in a dream world. You may be finally starting to act decisively and to see the correct path for you clearly, having previously felt indecisive or lost. It represents getting a reality check. Alternately, when this card appears reversed in your spread it can indicate that you may have a lack of options, choices or opportunities or you may be feeling restricted or trapped in some way.