1111 Meaning

Here are the 3 numbers for the Meaning of The Number 1111. This number is most often related to the time of day. Please see below. If you see the number 1 a lot or in multiples, please see below. It is usually to do with repeating patterns.

Upright Meanings: fatherhood, older man, structure, rules and power, stability, protectiveness, authority, dependability, logical, father-figure

What does The Number 4 Mean? As a person, The Number Four represents an older man who is good in business and usually wealthy. The Number Four is a solid, stable man. He is a powerful, grounded protector but he also can be rigid and stubborn. This can be a father or father-figure type or an older man you are romantically involved with. The Number Four is a hard task master and has little time for fun and frivolity. Children of The Number Four can struggle with father issues as falling short of his high expectations can affect their self-esteem. If The Number Four card appears in a past position, this major card can indicate that the father figure in your life was authoritarian and that, while he had your best interests at heart, he may have struggled to show affection. If it appears in the present or future it’s a much better omen as it indicates a wise older man who will give you solid advice which, if you follow it, will lead you in the right direction. Generally, if not representing a person in your life, The Number Four signifies the dominance of logic over emotion and of the mind over the heart. It signifies that concentration, structure, stability and focus is required if you want to make your ideas and dreams a reality. The Number Four upright can represent fatherhood.


Upright Meanings: impatience, virtue, desirability, purity, learning, spirituality, creativity, mystery, wisdom, intuition, thirst for knowledge, knowledge, unattainability, higher power, sensuality, subconscious

What does The Number 2 Mean? The Number Two possesses intuition, mystery and sensuality combined with common sense. When The Number Two appears in a reading she indicates that now is the time to trust your instincts and go with your gut feeling. Pay attention to your dreams and the signs and symbols the universe is sending you when this major card appears in a reading.


What does The Number 11 Mean?

Upright Meanings: truth, strength, action, legal disputes, cause and effect, karmic justice, courage, determination, integrity, justice, heroism, law, honesty, conviction, consequences, virility

The Number Eleven relates to karmic justice, legal matters and cause and effect. The Number Eleven is showing you that all actions have consequences. So look at your present circumstances in that context, how have your own actions contributed to where you find yourself today? Are there any karmic lessons that you should be learning from your current situation? This major card is also a signifier of legal matters being resolved in a fair and balanced matter. This is usually a favorable omen if you are involved in a legal dispute. The Number Eleven is concerned with truth and integrity, so you may find yourself compelled to speak the truth and that you more than ever value honesty and integrity in others. The Number Eleven also relates to balance. It may signify that circumstances may arise that could throw you off balance. These circumstances may or may not be beyond your control or of your own making. Either way, you must try to keep yourself on an even-keel as events unfold. The Number Eleven can also indicate that you have a choice to make when it appears in your readings as you will be weighing up all your options and balancing the scales.

Repeating Numbers such as 11 111 1111 11111 can be a sign that you are being told something important about the number 1. See Repeating Numers for more information. When you see repeating numbers like 11 etc., or a single number cropping up 3 or more times then its time to break the numbers down and look closer at The Number 1. One simple meaning is The Number 1 = Make Change And Embrace New Beginnings


If you are looking for the meaning of time of day numbers like 11:11 it means pay attention to the numbers OR to expect a spiritual visit or some other event around 11am

The exact time is not that important. Late at night it could well come in a dream! See Waking up at Meanings and also See Seeing a Time Meanings for more information

More Detail including Reversed Meanings