Spiritual Philosophy


  (Paddy Sterrett – Former President of  The Association of Spiritualists and Healers)


In memory of Paddy Sterrett

Spiritual Philosophy is a means by which Spirit endeavour to guide people how to deal with life, and is usually given in story form so that the reader, or the listener, can relate to what is being said.  By giving their philosophy in story form, Spirit ensure that even the most uneducated person in the world will understand and benefit from the advice, guidance and wisdom given.

There is no situation that man on earth can experience that has not already been experienced by a Spirit within the Spiritual Energy Field. This energy field encompasses the biggest reference library imaginable to mankind.

Spiritual Philosophy

Perhaps the best example of this can be demonstrated in the following story:

Martin’s Wife died suddenly! During the last ten years of her life Martin and his wife had been almost inseparable. They had done everything together, and as time passed, despite having a son and a daughter who lived some distance away, life, for Martin had come to a standstill.  After much thought, Martin decided that the best course of action for him,  was to take his own life and as a consequence join his wife in what he called ‘Heaven.’

Not many miles away was a canal over which there were a number of bridges, and since he was a non swimmer, he felt that this would be the ideal place to do the deed.  He sat down one morning and wrote letters to both his son and his daughter, explaining what he had done, and why, and telling them that  they would find that he had sorted out all the paperwork with regard to his house and contents, etc., and then he drove down to the canal and parked his car in a nearby car park

As he walked along the canal bank he came across a young boy fishing, and he enquired out of politeness if the boy had caught any fish yet. “No!” replied the boy, “I have only been here a short time.” 

Do you come fishing here often?” he then asked the boy. 

“Yes, “”replied the boy, “usually twice a week. I used to come with my dad, but now I come alone.” 

“Is you dad not able to come now because of his work?” Martin asked the boy.

“No!  My dad was killed six month’s ago in an accident, ” replied the boy, “But I know that he still comes with me, because when I make a mess of casting my line I can hear him saying: “That’s not how I taught you!”   “Do you do any fishing?” the boy then asked Martin,  who by this time had sat down on the bank beside the boy.

No! I used to do some many years ago, ” Martin replied, “but I got out of the habit.”

Time passed by, and the boy and Martin talked, until the boy said that he would have to pack up and go home.   “I’ll give you a lift! “Martin told the boy. “My car is just along the canal.”

As he drove the boy home, the lad told Martin that he still had his dad’s rods, and if Martin liked, he would bring them and they could fish together.  Martin thought that would be a great idea and they arranged to meet later in the week, at the boys house, to go fishing together.

Martin returned home, tore up his letters to his son and daughter, and put the paper work for his house safely away.

The philosophy and the basis of this story is that it took a young boy to teach an old man how to deal with life and the death of someone dear to him

A very simple story with a message.  No matter how bad the loss of a loved feels, there is always a positive means for dealing with it, like the young boy to whom Spirit guided Martin, so that he could learn from him how to get on with life in a positive and beneficial manner.