Find Spiritual Healers in Sutherland

Lysha Nicholas, Chiswick, London W4
07804 482540, 07508 619949
Teija Barr, London, London SE24 9HA
Miguel Chavez, Covent Garden, London WC2H
07477 771170

Spiritual Healers: If you offer Spiritual Healing in Sutherland please contact us for your free listing here. If you were searching for a Spiritual Healer in Sutherland or any of the following areas, please let us know who you go to for your spiritual healing. We had a major website hack, probably from a competitor and lost all healers info so we would be very grateful for your help in recreating it.
Covering the following areas in Sutherland: Leek, Stafford, Stoke-On-Trent, Stone, Uttoxeter
This page is part of our Spiritual Healers directory for Sutherland. If you weren’t looking for a Spiritual Healer in Sutherland please use the search at the bottom of the page
Numerology and Health
Looking into Numerology for health begins with the core emotional issues you may find yourself grappling with, which can in turn manifest in ongoing or recurring physical concerns.
“The Number Thirty Seven card reversed can indicate a lack of harmony or balance in your life. It can signify that you may fall victim to some form of inequality, abuse or bullying. Again, while this minor card in a reversed position usually relates to a romantic relationship, it can also signify falling out with a friend or being in a friendship that is imbalanced or one-sided in some way. It can indicate a partnership breaking down or a lack of equality or mutual respect in a partnership. It can also be a sign of arguments with friends, family, partners, business partners or colleagues.”,
“You are taking or thinking of taking some steps which will indeed improve your health situation. Try not to think about the whole rest of your life, focus on today. Take one step at a time. If you are in need of healing, allow yourself to believe that you deserve to get better. Ask for any help that you may need.”,
“You may finally let go of a belief system which actually hasn’t worked for you for some time. Don’t beat yourself up if you find you had been holding some viewpoints and beliefs that you shouldn’t have. Everyone makes mistakes or gets hold of the wrong end of the stick from time to time. You will find some spiritual truths that hold more promise for you and which are beneficial. Don’t hesitate to talk to others about what works for them on a spiritual level.”,

Full List of areas covered on our Sutherland Spiritual Healers Readers page:
This page is part of our Spiritual Healers directory for Sutherland. If you weren’t looking for a Spiritual Healer in Sutherland please use the search at the bottom of the page
Numerology and Health
Looking into Numerology for health begins with the core emotional issues you may find yourself grappling with, which can in turn manifest in ongoing or recurring physical concerns.