Spiritual Healers in Shropshire

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Spiritual Healers

Ashley Wood, Lurgan, County Armagh BT66
02838 984110

Phelim Dornan, Moira, County Armagh BT67
07968 984594

Spiritual Healers Shropshire

Numerology Health Reading

Spiritual Healers: If you offer Spiritual Healing in Shropshire please contact us for your free listing here. If you were searching for a Spiritual Healer in Shropshire or any of the following areas, please let us know who you go to for your spiritual healing. We had a major website hack, probably from a competitor and lost all healers info so we would be very grateful for your help in recreating it.

Covering the following areas in Shropshire: Bamford, Barnsley, Bramley, Chapeltown, Chesterfield, Dronfield, Eyam, Hathersage, Holmesfield, Hope Valley, Mexborough, Newbold, Oughtibridge, Rotherham, Sheffield, Staveley, Treeton, Worksop

Spiritual Healers in  Shropshire

This page is part of our Spiritual Healers directory for Shropshire. If you weren’t looking for a Spiritual Healer in Shropshire please use the search at the bottom of the page

Numerology and Health

Looking into Numerology for health begins with the core emotional issues you may find yourself grappling with, which can in turn manifest in ongoing or recurring physical concerns.

“The Number Sixty reversed can represent bad or disappointing news and lack of ideas, planning or inspiration. It can also signify being defensive, cold, vindictive, cynical or sarcastic. This minor card reversed may be telling you to get your head out of the clouds and can represent acting in a scatter-brained or dim-witted manner. It can also represent a lack of fairness, not speaking out against injustice, breaking the law or being a delinquent. The Number Sixty reversed can suggest that you may have nothing to say or may be lacking in communication skills. It can be a warning to you about the way you communicate with people in your life. You may think you are being truthful and direct but you could be coming across as blunt and abrasive. It can also indicate a lack of education, lack of mental agility or learning difficulties. The Number Sixty reversed can also signify being a game player, playing mind games, malicious gossip and paranoia. As a person, The Number Sixty reversed represents a young person who is keeping information to themselves. They are still analytical and logical with a sharp mind. However, they may use their wit for malicious or vindictive purposes. They can be manipulative, cynical and sarcastic and may consider themselves superior to others and that the rules don’t apply to them. They may spread malicious rumours or gossip to intentionally cause trouble.”,

“Don’t take the first pronouncement you hear about your health as the gospel. Get a second or even third opinion before you sign up for anything that is irrevocable health-wise (invasive procedures or surgery.) Be open to spiritual healing, but if you are struggling with a serious illness, know that a cure is not always equated with ‘healing.’ There are many ways to heal. What exactly needs healing in you and in your life?”,

“This is not a time to try to hold on to things, ideas, situations, or people which may have run their course in your life. You must make room in your life/heart/emotions/spirit for new things to come to you. Time alone will be helpful. Have you done all the healing that you need to do? The answers you seek are within you, although you may need help to bring them to the surface. Talk with someone you trust.”,

Full List of areas covered on our Shropshire Spiritual Healers Readers page:

Abdon, Ackleton, Acton, Acton Burnell, Acton Pigott, Acton Round, Acton Scott, Adderley, Adeney, Admaston, Alberbury, Albrighton, Alcaston, Alderton, Alkington, All Stretton, Allscot, Alveley, Anchor, Annscroft, Arleston, Ash Magna, Ashford Bowdler, Ashford Carbonel, Asterley, Asterton, Astley, Astley Abbotts, Aston, Aston Botterell, Aston Eyre, Aston Munslow, Aston on Clun, Aston Rogers, Atcham, Babbinswood, Badger, Bagley, Ball, Barrow, Baschurch, Battlefield, Baveney Wood, Bayston Hill, Beckbury, Bedstone, Benthall, Berrington, Besford, Betton, Bettws-y-crwyn, Bicton, Bicton Heath, Billingsley, Binweston, Birdsgreen, Bishop’s Castle, Bitterley, Black Marsh, Bletchley, Bomere Heath, Boningale, Booley, Boraston, Bouldon, Bourton, Bridges, Bridgnorth, Broadstone, Brockton, Brogyntyn, Bromfield, Bronygarth, Broome, Broseley, Broughall, Bryn, Bucknell, Buildwas, Burlton, Burwarton, Buttonoak, Calverhall, Cantlop, Cardeston, Cardington, Catherton, Caynham, Cefn Einion, Chapel Lawn, Chelmarsh, Cheney Longville, Cherrington, Chesterton, Cheswardine, Chetton, Chetwynd Aston, Child’s Ercall, Chipnall, Chirbury, Chorley, Church Aston, Church Preen, Church Pulverbatch, Church Stretton, Claverley, Clee St Margaret, Cleedownton, Cleehill, Cleeton St Mary, Cleobury Mortimer, Cleobury North, Clive, Clun, Clunbury, Clungunford, Clunton, Coalbrookdale, Coalport, Cockshutt, Colebatch, Colemere, Condover, Coreley, Corfton, Cosford, Cound, Crackleybank, Craignant, Craven Arms, Cressage, Crickheath, Croesau Bach, Cross Houses, Cross Lane Head, Crosslanes, Cruckmeole, Cruckton, Crudgington, Culmington, Darliston, Dawley, Deuxhill, Diddlebury, Ditton Priors, Doddington, Donnington, Dorrington, Dovaston, Dryton, Dudleston Heath, Eardington, Eardiston, East Wall, Easthope, Eaton, Eaton Constantine, Eaton upon Tern, Edge, Edgebolton, Edgeley, Edgerley, Edgmond, Edgmond Marsh, Edgton, Edstaston, Ellerdine Heath, Ellerton, Ellesmere, Elson, Enchmarsh, English Frankton, Ensdon, Exfords Green, Eyton, Eyton upon the Weald Moors, Farden, Farley, Farlow, Fauls, Felton Butler, Fitz, Five Turnings, Ford, Forton, Frodesley, Glazeley, Gledrid, Gobowen, Golding, Grafton, Gravels, Great Bolas, Great Hanwood, Great Lyth, Great Ness, Great Ryton, Great Sutton, Great Wytheford, Greete, Gretton, Grimpo, Grindle, Grinshill, Habberley, Hadley, Hadnall, Halford, Halfway House, Hall of the Forest, Hampton, Harley, Harmer Hill, Harton, Hatton, Haughton, Hayton’s Bent, Heath Hill, Heathcote, Heathton, Hengoed, Henley, High Ercall, High Hatton, High Heath, Highley, Hilton, Hindford, Hinstock, Hinton, Hints, Hobarris, Hodnet, Holdgate, Hollinswood, Hollinwood, Homer, Hook-a-Gate, Hope, Hope Bagot, Hope Bowdler, Hopesay, Hopton, Hopton Cangeford, Hopton Castle, Hopton Wafers, Hoptonheath, Horderley, Hordley, Horsehay, Howle, Hughley, Ifton Heath, Ightfield, Ironbridge, Isombridge, Kemberton, Kempton, Kenley, Kenwick, Kinlet, Kinnerley, Kinton, Knockin, Knowbury, Knowle, Kynnersley, Lawley, Lea, Leaton, Lee, Lee Brockhurst, Leebotwood, Leegomery, Leigh, Leighton, Lilleshall, Linley, Little Brampton, Little Ness, Little Stretton, Little Wenlock, Llanfair Waterdine, Llanyblodwel, Llawnt, Llwyn, Llynclys, Lockleywood, Long Waste, Longden, Longdon upon Tern, Longford, Longnor, Longslow, Longville in the Dale, Longwood, Loppington, Loughton, Lower Dinchope, Lower Down, Lower Hayton, Lower Hordley, Lower Wallop, Ludford, Ludlow, Lydbury North, Lydham, Lyneal, Madeley, Maesbrook, Maesbury Marsh, Mainstone, Marchamley, Market Drayton, Marsh Green, Marshbrook, Marton, Meadowtown, Melverley, Melverley Green, Meole Brace, Merrington, Middlehope, Middleton, Middleton Priors, Middleton Scriven, Milford, Mill Green, Millenheath, Milson, Minsterley, Minton, Monkhopton, Montford, Montford Bridge, Morda, More, Moreton Corbet, Moreton Say, Morton, Morville, Much Wenlock, Muckleton, Munslow, Myddle, Myddlewood, Myndtown, Nantmawr, Nash, Neen Savage, Neen Sollars, Neenton, Nesscliffe, New Invention, New Marton, Newcastle, Newport, Newtown, Noneley, Norbury, Nordley, Northwood, Norton, Norton in Hales, Nox, Oakengates, Obley, Oldbury, Oldpark, Ollerton, Onibury, Onneley, Oreton, Osbaston, Oswestry, Overton, Paddolgreen, Panpunton, Pant, Peaton, Pennerley, Pentre, Pentreheyling, Peplow, Perkins Beach, Perthy, Petton, Picklescott, Pickstock, Pipe Gate, Pitchford, Plaish, Platt Lane, Plealey, Plowden, Ploxgreen, Pontesbury, Pontesford, Porth-y-waen, Poynton, Poynton Green, Prees, Prees Green, Prees Higher Heath, Preesgweene, Prescott, Presthope, Preston Brockhurst, Preston Gubbals, Preston upon the Weald Moors, Priestweston, Puleston, Pulverbatch, Purlogue, Purslow, Quabbs, Quatford, Quatt, Queen’s Head, Quina Brook, Ratlinghope, Redhill, Rednal, Rhewl, Rhydycroesau, Rhyn, Richard’s Castle, Roden, Rodington, Romsley, Rorrington, Rosehill, Roughton, Rowley, Rowton, Ruckley, Rushbury, Rushmoor, Rushton, Ruyton-XI-Towns, Ryton, Sambrook, Selattyn, Shackerley, Shawbury, Sheinton, Shelderton, Shelton, Shelve, Sheriffhales, Shifnal, Shipley, Shipton, Shoot Hill, Shrawardine, Shrewsbury, Sibdon Carwood, Sidbury, Siefton, Silvington, Sleapford, Snailbeach, Snitton, Sodylt Bank, Soudley, Spoonley, St Martin’s, Stanton Lacy, Stanton Long, Stanton upon Hine Heath, Stanwardine in the Fields, Stapleton, Stirchley, Stockton, Stoke Heath, Stoke on Tern, Stoke St Milborough, Stokesay, Stoney Stretton, Stottesdon, Stowe, Street Dinas, Strefford, Stretton Heath, Stretton Westwood, Sutton, Sutton Maddock, Swancote, Tasley, Telford, Ternhill, Tetchill, The Bog, The Isle, The Smithies, The Wyke, Tibberton, Ticklerton, Tilley, Tilstock, Tong, Tong Norton, Treflach, Trefonen, Trench, Tugford, Twitchen, Uffington, Upper Affcot, Upper Aston, Upper Cound, Upper Hayton, Upper Heath, Upper Ludstone, Uppington, Upton Cressett, Upton Magna, Vennington, Vernolds Common, Walcot, Walford, Wall Bank, Wall under Heywood, Walton, Waters Upton, Weirbrook, Wellington, Welsh End, Welsh Frankton, Welshampton, Wem, Wentnor, West Felton, Westbury, Westhope, Westley, Weston, Weston Heath, Weston Lullingfields, Weston Rhyn, Wheathill, Whitchurch, Whitcott Keysett, Whittingslow, Whittington, Whitton, Whixall, Wilcott, Willey, Wistanstow, Wistanswick, Withington, Wollaston, Wollerton, Wolverley, Woodcote, Woodhill, Woodlands, Woodmoor, Woodseaves, Woodside, Woofferton, Woolstaston, Woolston, Woore, Wootton, Worfield, Worthen, Wotherton, Wrentnall, Wrockwardine, Wroxeter, Wyke, Wyken, Wykey, Wyson, Yeaton, Yockleton, Yorton