Find Spiritual Healers in Bristol and Avon

Carol Marcar, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire AB42
07879 030973
Fiona Bonner, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire AB34
07900 046956
Jill Thomson, Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire AB39
01569 766070, 07960 258345
Linda Black, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire AB42
01779 479122, 07531 518749
Susan Dodsworth, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire AB51 5PA
01467 643456, 07972 749195
Susi McWilliam, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB23
07917 334514
Susi McWilliam, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB23
07917 334514
Tanya Leiper, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB21
Tanya Leiper, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB21

Spiritual Healers: If you offer Spiritual Healing in Bristol and Avon please contact us for your free listing here. If you were searching for a Spiritual Healer in Bristol and Avon or any of the following areas, please let us know who you go to for your spiritual healing. We had a major website hack, probably from a competitor and lost all healers info so we would be very grateful for your help in recreating it.
Covering the following areas in Bristol and Avon: Avonmouth, Backwell, Bath, Bedminster, Bristol, Clifton, Combe Down, Downend, Fishponds, Frenchay, Long Ashton, Nailsea, Staple Hill, Thornbury, Weston-super-Mare, Worle
This page is part of our Spiritual Healers directory for Bristol and Avon. If you weren’t looking for a Spiritual Healer in Bristol and Avon please use the search at the bottom of the page
Numerology and Health
Looking into Numerology for health begins with the core emotional issues you may find yourself grappling with, which can in turn manifest in ongoing or recurring physical concerns.
“How many negative emotions can one card represent? Quite a few in the case of the Number Forty! The Number Forty card can represent sadness, loss, loneliness and despair. When this card appears it indicates that you are focusing on the negative. This may be the result of some sort of trauma or unwelcome change you have suffered. As such, this card can signify heartbreak, divorce or separation. The Number Forty also tends to appear if you have suffered a recent bereavement as it represents mourning and grief. It is a card of emotional baggage and instability and can signify that you feel deep remorse, regret, anger, sorrow or disappointment. It is also the minor card of abandonment and can either represent you being abandoned by someone significant to you or you abandoning plans or people in your life. It can also indicate loneliness or isolation. However, for all the negative connotations this card can bring there is a positive message underneath it all, reminding you that no matter how bad things may seem there is always a silver lining, you just have to choose to see it.”,
“Your health and feelings of well-being should be at a high point. This is a great time to take some time off if you can and just enjoy life. This is partly mental as well as physical – if you look back you are likely to find that your attitude has been more positive of late too. This can directly affect how well your body works for you. Figure out what you’ve been doing right and build upon it!”,
“The reversed Number Fifty Nine can mean that you have finally overcome some extremely painful parts of your past. Now it’s time to look forward. What do you want to see your life look like a year from today? 5 years from today? Know that in spiritual communities, people pass in and out of favor just like they do in any other community. Don’t take such things too seriously.”,

Full List of areas covered on our Bristol and Avon Spiritual Healers Readers page:
This page is part of our Spiritual Healers directory for Bristol and Avon. If you weren’t looking for a Spiritual Healer in Bristol and Avon please use the search at the bottom of the page
Numerology and Health
Looking into Numerology for health begins with the core emotional issues you may find yourself grappling with, which can in turn manifest in ongoing or recurring physical concerns.