The Angel of Weakness

1000 ANGELS: Call on The Angel of Weakness to draw close

This angel comes forward as part of a group of Archangels and brings 3 more angels for a balance to help on the issue of Weakness

Praying to The Angel of Weakness for Guidance: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, as you would talk to a friend, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Weakness please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Weakness brings this: “I accept all comments I receive as compliments.”

Angel of Weakness
Archangel Michael

The Archangel Michael represents opposing, standing up for what you believe in, fighting your corner and holding your own. It signifies taking the high road, maintaining control and being strong willed. This minor card also indicates someone who is protective, defensive, assertive, forceful, relentless, determined and territorial. It can suggest that you are under attack, being harassed, blamed or scapegoated but you are resisting. Life may be challenging, busy and hectic with this card in your spread so you will need stamina to endure.

Michael’s name translates from the Hebrew as ‘Look Like God’. He is the Archangel we invoke in our battle against negativity. He helps us find the light within ourselves. Historically he is the protector of both Israel and the Catholic Church. He is the patron saint of policemen, soldiers and small children and also watches over pilgrims and strangers. He is the fiery warrior, Prince of the Heavenly Armies, who fights for right and justice and gives guidance to all those who find themselves in dire straits. Michael is also the bringer of patience and happiness.

Angel of Weakness
Angel of Reconciliation

The Angel of Reconciliation relates to karmic justice, legal matters and cause and effect. The Angel of Reconciliation is showing you that all actions have consequences. So look at your present circumstances in that context, how have your own actions contributed to where you find yourself today? Are there any karmic lessons that you should be learning from your current situation? This major card is also a signifier of legal matters being resolved in a fair and balanced matter. This is usually a favorable omen if you are involved in a legal dispute. The Angel of Reconciliation is concerned with truth and integrity, so you may find yourself compelled to speak the truth and that you more than ever value honesty and integrity in others. The Angel of Reconciliation also relates to balance. It may signify that circumstances may arise that could throw you off balance. These circumstances may or may not be beyond your control or of your own making. Either way, you must try to keep yourself on an even-keel as events unfold. The Angel of Reconciliation can also indicate that you have a choice to make when it appears in your readings as you will be weighing up all your options and balancing the scales.

The Angel of Reconciliation offers us the opportunity to clear out the old and useless baggage of our past. By becoming reconciled with the past we release the sorrows, hurts and resentments which clog and congest our energy and burden us. We need our vitality to live in the present, not to submerge our life in old grudges. The Angel of Reconciliation works to help us integrate our past with our present reality. It helps us see spiritual truths, so that we can learn from our past. This way anything painful in our lives can be seen anew as a positive step for growth – even the most brutal experiences.

Angel of Weakness
Archangel Raphael

Angel of Weakness
Archangel Chamuel

The Archangel Chamuel represents success, victory, winning, triumph, achievement and having the advantage. It also signifies praise, acclaim, awards, recognition, applause and goodwill. It is a minor card of fame, celebrity, fans, well-wishers, supporters, crowds and being in the spotlight. It indicates that someone is being a leader, riding high, confident and proud with high self-esteem. It is a card of strength and stability and can also represent successful campaigns and winning battles.

The archangel Chamuel has a name that means ‘he who can see God’. Not just see God in the same way that we see a wall or a television. Rather he sees the vibrational energy that God represents. All things within this universe give off a vibrational energy at different speeds. Chamuel sees the connections of all vibrations and through this can see the connectedness of all things. this even includes other angels and archangels. His aim is to aid those with low vibrating energies through education, peace and repair of negative mind-sets such as anxiety or fear.