The Angel of Travelling

1000 ANGELS: Invoke The Angel of Travelling to draw close

This angel comes forward as part of a group of Messenger Angels and brings another angel to assist to help on the issue of Travelling

Appealing to The Angel of Travelling for Understanding: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, as you would talk to a friend, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Travelling please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Travelling brings this: “I am safe and well treated at all times.”

Angel of Travelling
Guardian Angel of Spiritual Growth

The Guardian Angel of Spiritual Growth represents progress, moving into calmer waters, moving on or moving forward. It is a minor card of overcoming hardship, healing, relief and stability so you can expect problems in your life to settle down and things to be much easier to deal with. The Guardian Angel of Spiritual Growth can also represent escaping, running away, journeys, travel, travelling overseas and going on holiday. It can signify feeling lethargic and deflated after coming through a tough time or the calm after the storm. It is also a card of intuition, inner guidance and spirit guides.

The primary purpose of our earthly incarnation is our development as spiritual beings. It is this Guardian Angel who guards our spiritual growth throughout life, always defending our souls. This angel blesses all the activities which nurture our spirit’s welfare, which in fact means the things which are loving and respectful to ourselves. It helps us to discover what we need to recognize: the fact that we are loved and cherished. If what our spirit needs is fun then this angel will encourage us to lighten up and perhaps seek the company of a good friend and have an enjoyable time.

Angel of Travelling
Archangel Lucifer

The Archangel Lucifer represents abandonment. It can signify walking away from people or situations in your life or abandoning your plans. It can indicate disappointment, escapism and turning your back on or leaving bad situation. The Archangel Lucifer can also represent the exhaustion or weariness that can prompt such a decision. Strength and courage are necessary to walk away from what you know into an unknown future and these qualities are also represented in The Archangel Lucifer. It is a minor card representing travel so you could find yourself embarking on an adventure when this card appears in your reading. The Archangel Lucifer can signify loneliness, introspection, self-analysis and looking for the truth.

Lucifer is often condemned as pure evil yet like all the fallen angels he serves to remind us that no-one is beyond redemption. The Angel Lucifer come to remind us not to give up because we feel there is no return from the past. He also warns us to guard against doings things we would feel we can’t come back from. So yes it is ok the invoke Lucifer as he can teach us many things especially when we have chosen or are about to choose the wrong path.