1000 ANGELS: Invite The Angel of Taking Control to draw close
This angel comes forward as part of a group of Guardian Angels and brings 2 more angels with input to help on the issue of Taking Control
Praying to The Angel of Taking Control for Counsel: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, as you would talk to a friend, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Taking Control please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Taking Control brings this: “I have a great eye for detail.”
The Guardian Angel of Health indicates that you will have the energy, experience and enthusiasm to accomplish what you set out to achieve at this time. You are taking control of your life. You will motivate those around you, lead the way forward and set a good example for those who look up to you. You do not worry about other people’s opinion of you and you dare to be different when this minor card appears in your reading. As a person, The Guardian Angel of Health is a mature male who is confident, strong, energetic and optimistic and a natural born leader. He may be a fire sign such as Aries, Leo or Sagittarius He is friendly by nature, funny, charming and good with words. He is also fearless, freethinking, motivated and action-orientated. He has an independent streak and as such, he needs his freedom and will not tolerate neediness. The Guardian Angel of Health does not like to let emotions stand in the way of his enjoyment of life. He is usually supportive of those around him and has learned to be lenient. However, The Guardian Angel of Health can be self-centred, hot-tempered and controlling. However, at his best, when he is allowed his freedom, he is proud, passionate, honest, loyal, dependable and protective
This is the angel who watches over our well-being. Through the guardianship of this angel we are able to make positive decisions about the way we manage our lives. We can ask for help in leading a healthy and wholesome life-style which supports our well-being and happiness. We can ask for vitality to do all the things we love and to have abundant energy to handle all the tasks demanded of us. This angel not only supports our physical health but encourages us towards spiritual and emotional well-being. True health comes from being balanced in mind, body and spirit, and this angel can guide us towards finding this level of wholeness. It watches over us and protects us from unhealthy influences.
The Guardian Angel Daniel is an important card of inner strength. It represents mastering raw emotions in order to bring calm to yourself or a situation. It is similar to the Chariot in that it represents overcoming challenges. However, The Guardian Angel Daniel usually refers to inner challenges. Overcoming the obstacles we face in relation to our own doubts, fears and anxieties. This card indicates that you are learning to master your fears and anxieties, to be courageous and daring. You have all the skills you need to be successful, the focus now is to conquer your inner worries and believe in yourself. Take the time you need to master your emotions, be patient and compassionate with yourself and you will find a new confidence in yourself and your abilities. The Guardian Angel Daniel, as well as being representative of taming your emotions, can also represent taming someone else’s wild ways. This is not done by trying to dominate the other person but by gentle coaxing, positive reinforcement, encouragement and compassion.
Guardian Angel Daniel visits us for justice and law related issues. He is known as the angel of confessions and mercy and can be invoked for consolation in times of strife, especially with conflict between couples and families. Angel Daniel suggests you lead your activities in your own way without losing control of things even though you choose to associate yourself with other people. Do not let situations escape you, and do not let others make decisions in your place.
This angel is also know as The Angel of Control
The Archangel Jeremiel can represent feeling trapped, confined, restricted or backed into a corner or having your hands tied. It signifies fear, terror, anxiety and psychological issues. It is a minor card of hopelessness, helplessness, powerlessness, slavery, persecution and being silenced or censored. You will be feeling the pressure when this appears and may be in crisis or going through a dilemma or drama. However, the overall theme of this card is that you are the one keeping yourself in this situation through negative thinking and allowing yourself to be paralysed by fear. You can take the blindfold off and walk away at any time! This card also represents consequences and judgment which may take the form of trial by jury, imprisonment and punishment.
Sometimes referred to as the Angel of Hope, he is one of the Archangels who help people pass over to the spiritual realm. He helps souls review their life on earth, and helps people learn from their mistakes. He can also boost our prophetic dreams and visions, helping people see what they cannot see in their waking life. His energy is of compassion and mercy for obvious reasons. He does not pass judgement, yet he will be brutally honest in any decision made. He helps you see the light of the situation. You can call on him if you need help understanding where you went wrong or what you can do resolve a situation.