The Angel of Stress

1000 ANGELS: Manifest The Angel of Stress to draw close

This angel comes forward as part of a group of Archangels and brings 3 more angels for a balance to help on the issue of Stress

Asking The Angel of Stress for Love: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, or just think it, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Stress please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Stress brings this: “I release all the ways I feel overwhelmed!”

Angel of Stress
Angel of the Essence of Love

The Angel of the Essence of Love is another of the fear and anxiety cards. Similar to the other fear cards, this card is not an indication of negative events actually happening, just that your fear and anxiety levels are so high they are making you feel that things are worse than they are. In short, you may be making mountains out of molehills. It represents stress, burdens, negative thinking and deep unhappiness. You will be feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with or face situations, problems or just life in general and may have reached your breaking point. It is a minor card of mental anguish, remorse, guilt, regret, joylessness and despair and you may wish you could go back in time and re-write the past when it appears. It can also signify feeling isolated and being the subject of gossip and it can represent nightmares and insomnia.

The Angel of the Essence of Love helps us to strip off the mask of illusion and see that love is the essence of all life. This angel works to help us unfold from the limited cocoon of our ego and be the magnificent creatures of light we are. When we have penetrated the illusions of personality and the destructive nature of negativity we realize that what we are, at our core, is a fountain of love. This love lives at the centre of every living cell in our bodies, and in the heart of all living things. The consciousness of which we are made permeates all other living substance too. Our own sweet essence is the same as the universal essence of love which unites us and bonds us intimately with the Source.

Angel of Stress
Angel of Mercy

The Angel of Mercy represents fear, anxiety and stress. You will be feeling overwhelmed and mentally overloaded when it appears. This card tells you that the issues you are facing are actually not as bad as you believe them to be and there are solutions available. However, it suggest that you are allowing negativity to set in and becoming so overwhelmed that you cannot see the woods for the trees. This card is more to do with your mental state than any problems you are facing. Relax, regroup and contemplate your situation in a calm rational way. If you leave aside your fears and logically plan for the future, you will find a way forward. The Angel of Mercy card also indicates that you are in need of peace and quiet, introspection, rest, relaxation and sanctuary. It is a card of recuperation and hospitalisation. And it signifies having faith or receiving spiritual counselling or support.

The Angel of Mercy offers us the love of God as a living reality. When we are faced with an unbearable situation and suddenly there is a shift of energy or a change in circumstances, we are being blessed by The Angel of Mercy. We are helped constantly to turn our thoughts and attitudes around through the aid of Divine mercy. It may be in small and subtle ways that we experience mercy. It can come in the form of a friendly phone call when we are feeling despair, or a gentle boost to our confidence in circumstances where we are unsure of ourselves. It could unfold in so many situations which we do not control, or where we are affected by our conscious minds. For instance, we could meet a person who changes our lives, or we could be accepted or rejected for a job or a course of study.

Angel of Stress
Archangel Yeialel

The Archangel Yeialel represents a situation that started off as a good idea but has now become a burden. It signifies problems, responsibilities, being overburdened, overloaded and stressed. It indicates that you have a huge weight on your shoulders and you feeling obligated, saddled and restricted. This minor card can signify being taken for granted, struggle, major challenges, drudgery and duty. It suggests that you have taken on too much and may be heading for burn out. This card does however also indicate that the end is insight and if you keep going you will be successful. It can also signify delays, losing your way, losing your focus and having an uphill struggle. It can indicate that the fun or spontaneity has gone out of your life.

The Angel Yeialel symbolizes both healing and combat. He provides healing for all kinds of ailments. He helps you to battle depression especially. He also protects you from lies and abuse from people who harass you or take you for granted. He improves your awareness, clairvoyance, and judgment. This guardian angel brings you courage and great inner strength, especially when stuck in a rut you feel you can’t get out of. Fatigue due to apathy and lack of self help is to be fought against.

Angel of Stress
Archangel Hofniel

The Archangel Hofniel represents a stalemate, truce or being at a crossroads. It indicates that you are sitting on the fence or struggling to make/ avoiding a difficult, stressful or painful decision. It is the card of coming face to face with your fears. It can also signify being torn between two loyalties, relationships, situations, offers or people. It represents being caught in the middle of an argument or conflict and trying to mediate between opposing parties. The Archangel Hofniel also represents blocking emotions, being in denial, blindness and an inability or unwillingness to see the truth.

The Archangel Hofniel is often controversial but you will find many psychics, mediums, angelic messengers who consider him a holy angel and they encourage you to pray to him. Hofniel will fight in your behalf when you are too weak mentally to accept the challenge of life. Archangel Hofniel, overseen by Archangel Gabriel, teaches us the way back from darkness and despair. Hofniel enfolds us in his divine pink rays and lifts us out of the darkness so we can begin to see the light.

This angel is also know as The Angel of Stressful Decisions