1000 ANGELS: Request The Angel of Severe Depression to draw close
This angel comes forward as part of a group of Archangels and brings 3 more angels for a balance to help on the issue of Severe Depression
Looking to The Angel of Severe Depression for Support: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, or subconciousley, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Severe Depression please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Severe Depression brings this: “I will win fights”
The Archangel Jeremiel can represent feeling trapped, confined, restricted or backed into a corner or having your hands tied. It signifies fear, terror, anxiety and psychological issues. It is a minor card of hopelessness, helplessness, powerlessness, slavery, persecution and being silenced or censored. You will be feeling the pressure when this appears and may be in crisis or going through a dilemma or drama. However, the overall theme of this card is that you are the one keeping yourself in this situation through negative thinking and allowing yourself to be paralysed by fear. You can take the blindfold off and walk away at any time! This card also represents consequences and judgment which may take the form of trial by jury, imprisonment and punishment.
Sometimes referred to as the Angel of Hope, he is one of the Archangels who help people pass over to the spiritual realm. He helps souls review their life on earth, and helps people learn from their mistakes. He can also boost our prophetic dreams and visions, helping people see what they cannot see in their waking life. His energy is of compassion and mercy for obvious reasons. He does not pass judgement, yet he will be brutally honest in any decision made. He helps you see the light of the situation. You can call on him if you need help understanding where you went wrong or what you can do resolve a situation.
The Guardian Angel of Service represents unhappiness, heartache, sorrow and sadness. It is a minor card of grief, loss, depression and tears and when it appears in your reading it generally indicates a period of difficulty or hardship, usually on an emotional level. Distraction, conflict, disillusion and serious misunderstanding are all represented by this card so whatever situation it signifies will bring with it confusion, upset and upheaval. The Guardian Angel of Service also indicates depression, trauma, disorders, loneliness, absence and betrayal. You have suffered or will suffer a loss or betrayal of some kind when this card appears and not one that can easily be brushed over. You will be feeling this loss on a deep emotional level and you must give yourself time to process what has happened. Though it does represent hardship, this card is not all bad. The most difficult situations in our lives often teach us more about who we are and what we are capable of than the good times. Give yourself space and time to heal and learn all you can from the experience. If you need support, don’t be afraid to reach out to the people that love you.
This Guardian Angel looks after and blesses all those who serve; those people who have a feeling in their hearts that they would like to help make this earth a more peaceful and fruitful place for us all. For those who truly believe that what really matters is helping to get things right for the rest of us, this angel offers energy, inspiration, contacts and resources so that the jobs at hand can get done in the best possible way. These acts of service may come under the heading of civic or government work, or may be the warm gestures of love and care from volunteers, helpers or therapists. They may include simple personal favours from people who offer help; in fact, anyone who offers humane assistance in one form or another can be said to give service.
This angel is also know as The Angel of Overcoming Depression
The Archangel Sandalphon card can generally signify a woman or women in your life who will be supportive and caring towards you. This minor card is also a sign that you should be mindful of how you treat yourself and others or to treat people with compassion and sympathy. She can also indicate that you may be more sensitive than you let on to the outside world and that harsh actions or hurtful comments affect you more than you show to the outside world. This card can also indicate a tendency to daydream and a big imagination. As a person, The Archangel Sandalphon represents a mature female or feminine person who is kind, caring and supportive. The Archangel Sandalphon is a sentimental, sensitive soul and a good listener. She is empathetic to the feelings of others. As a mother, partner or friend, The Archangel Sandalphon is affectionate, loving and warm. However, she can also be shy and have a tendency to daydream. She is creative, artistic and intuitive and she appreciates beauty. She may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces
One of the two twins who were once human, but ascended into Angels. The twin of Metatron is known for delivering prayers to God and the spiritual realm, and being connected to the Tree of Life. He’s often referred to as the Tall Angel. He represents our connection to both earth and heaven. Since he was once human, he understands the power of prayer, what it means to pray, and what it means to receive answers from those prayers. He is the energy link between man and spirit, so his energy is swift and powerful. He is more observant and listens. His intent is to deliver messages from realm to realm. You can call on him to calm you. His presence ensures that our messages will be heard and responded to.
This angel is also know as The Angel of Depression
The Angel of the Essence of Love is another of the fear and anxiety cards. Similar to the other fear cards, this card is not an indication of negative events actually happening, just that your fear and anxiety levels are so high they are making you feel that things are worse than they are. In short, you may be making mountains out of molehills. It represents stress, burdens, negative thinking and deep unhappiness. You will be feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with or face situations, problems or just life in general and may have reached your breaking point. It is a minor card of mental anguish, remorse, guilt, regret, joylessness and despair and you may wish you could go back in time and re-write the past when it appears. It can also signify feeling isolated and being the subject of gossip and it can represent nightmares and insomnia.
The Angel of the Essence of Love helps us to strip off the mask of illusion and see that love is the essence of all life. This angel works to help us unfold from the limited cocoon of our ego and be the magnificent creatures of light we are. When we have penetrated the illusions of personality and the destructive nature of negativity we realize that what we are, at our core, is a fountain of love. This love lives at the centre of every living cell in our bodies, and in the heart of all living things. The consciousness of which we are made permeates all other living substance too. Our own sweet essence is the same as the universal essence of love which unites us and bonds us intimately with the Source.