The Angel of Recovery

1000 ANGELS: Call on The Angel of Recovery to draw close

This angel comes forward as part of a group of Messenger Angels and brings 2 more angels with input to help on the issue of Recovery

Praying to The Angel of Recovery for Support: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, in your head, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Recovery please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Recovery brings this: “People see me as someone who is kind and caring”

Angel of Recovery
Archangel Uriel

The Archangel Uriel card can signify depression or addiction. It can also be a sign of feeling trapped or restricted. With this major card in your spread you may feel as though outside influences or forces beyond your control are restricting you, leaving you feeling powerless and victimized. However, this is the illusion The Archangel Uriel creates. You are in control of your own destiny and are not bound by anything other than your own attitudes and behavior. Don’t give up and don’t give away your power. You don’t have to tolerate negativity, criticism, manipulation or abuse from anyone. There are always options and there is always something positive you can do to improve your situation no matter how hopeless things may seem on the surface. Likewise be mindful of how you are treating others and make sure you are not trying to manipulate or control people in your life either. The Archangel Uriel upright in your reading can also indicate obsessive, secretive or impulsive behavior. It can be a sign that you are out of control. The Archangel Uriel card is also a signifier of materialism and may show that you have become overly concerned with material things, status or power. These are not things that will make you truly fulfilled as a person so put your energy into the things that will.

Uriel, whose name means ‘Light of God’, is the angel who brings humankind knowledge and understanding of the Divine. He is the most radiant of angels and has been depicted descending from heaven on a fiery chariot drawn by white horses. He has been variously called the Flame of God, Angel of the Presence, and Angel of Salvation. He is also known as the Prince of Light and interpreter of prophecies. It was Uriel whom God sent to Noah to warn him of the deluge. The Bible also tells how Uriel descended into the Garden of Eden on a sunbeam and stood at its gate with a fiery sword. He is also the angel who watches over thunder and terror. As the Angel of Repentance he can help us to understand the laws of karma, which, put very simply, mean that we reap what we sow.

Angel of Recovery
Angel of Mercy

The Angel of Mercy represents fear, anxiety and stress. You will be feeling overwhelmed and mentally overloaded when it appears. This card tells you that the issues you are facing are actually not as bad as you believe them to be and there are solutions available. However, it suggest that you are allowing negativity to set in and becoming so overwhelmed that you cannot see the woods for the trees. This card is more to do with your mental state than any problems you are facing. Relax, regroup and contemplate your situation in a calm rational way. If you leave aside your fears and logically plan for the future, you will find a way forward. The Angel of Mercy card also indicates that you are in need of peace and quiet, introspection, rest, relaxation and sanctuary. It is a card of recuperation and hospitalisation. And it signifies having faith or receiving spiritual counselling or support.

The Angel of Mercy offers us the love of God as a living reality. When we are faced with an unbearable situation and suddenly there is a shift of energy or a change in circumstances, we are being blessed by The Angel of Mercy. We are helped constantly to turn our thoughts and attitudes around through the aid of Divine mercy. It may be in small and subtle ways that we experience mercy. It can come in the form of a friendly phone call when we are feeling despair, or a gentle boost to our confidence in circumstances where we are unsure of ourselves. It could unfold in so many situations which we do not control, or where we are affected by our conscious minds. For instance, we could meet a person who changes our lives, or we could be accepted or rejected for a job or a course of study.

This angel is also know as The Angel of Recovering Slowly

Angel of Recovery
Angel of Mercy

The Angel of Mercy represents fear, anxiety and stress. You will be feeling overwhelmed and mentally overloaded when it appears. This card tells you that the issues you are facing are actually not as bad as you believe them to be and there are solutions available. However, it suggest that you are allowing negativity to set in and becoming so overwhelmed that you cannot see the woods for the trees. This card is more to do with your mental state than any problems you are facing. Relax, regroup and contemplate your situation in a calm rational way. If you leave aside your fears and logically plan for the future, you will find a way forward. The Angel of Mercy card also indicates that you are in need of peace and quiet, introspection, rest, relaxation and sanctuary. It is a card of recuperation and hospitalisation. And it signifies having faith or receiving spiritual counselling or support.

The Angel of Mercy offers us the love of God as a living reality. When we are faced with an unbearable situation and suddenly there is a shift of energy or a change in circumstances, we are being blessed by The Angel of Mercy. We are helped constantly to turn our thoughts and attitudes around through the aid of Divine mercy. It may be in small and subtle ways that we experience mercy. It can come in the form of a friendly phone call when we are feeling despair, or a gentle boost to our confidence in circumstances where we are unsure of ourselves. It could unfold in so many situations which we do not control, or where we are affected by our conscious minds. For instance, we could meet a person who changes our lives, or we could be accepted or rejected for a job or a course of study.

This angel is also know as The Angel of Recuperation