The Angel of Happy Marriage

1000 ANGELS: Request The Angel of Happy Marriage to draw close

This angel comes forward as part of a group of Guardian Angels and brings 3 more angels for a balance to help on the issue of Happy Marriage

Asking The Angel of Happy Marriage for Guidance: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, as you would talk to a friend, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Happy Marriage please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Happy Marriage brings this: “I am naturally aware of my spouse’s feelings”

Angel of Happy Marriage
Guardian Angel Imamiah

The Guardian Angel Imamiah card is an important card of positivity, optimism, freedom and fun. When The Guardian Angel Imamiah appears in an upright position, things should be going well for you as this card also represents success and enthusiasm. You will find that people are drawn to the happy vibes and positive energy you are giving out and you will bring light and joy to everyone and everything you come into contact with. You will be feeling carefree, liberated and self-assured. It is also the card of truth so if you have been the victim of lies or deception, The Guardian Angel Imamiah is coming to shine its light on the deceit to reveal the truth and the perpetrators of the lies. The Guardian Angel Imamiah card in an upright position also signifies good luck. Any problems you have been experiencing will melt away with the warmth this card brings. It can also indicate travel to a country with a warm climate.

The Guardian Angel Imamiah will help you become aware of the things you have done wrong or are about to. This angel has the power to bring you the emotional strength to cope with whatever life throws at you. Imamiah also brings tolerance, modesty, and simplicity and helps to free you from your inner demons and help if you have a habit of judging others too harshly. This guardian angel can guide in a chaotic or fragile romantic relationship and protect you from emotional rivalries or jealousy.

Angel of Happy Marriage
Angel of Knowing

The Angel of Knowing can indicate that you are trying to find or maintain the balance between various areas of your life. This minor card represents the ups and downs of life and indicates that you are resourceful, adaptable and flexible enough to get through them. However, it can be a warning that trying to juggle too many things at once and not prioritising what is important can lead to failure and exhaustion. Try to evaluate where you are putting your energy and cut back on what is not necessary in order to maintain a balanced and happy life. The Angel of Knowing can indicate that decisions need to be made and making these choices may be causing you stress. It can also signify partnership and the struggle to find the right balance between your needs and the needs of someone else.

The Angel of Knowing helps each one of us find and listen to that part of us which always knows. This is the place where we are completely empowered and whole. This is not the function of the rational mind which understands limitations. It is, rather, something in our deepest consciousness which is tuned to the vibrations of the cosmos and is profoundly aware of all things. When we tap into our deep knowing we bypass our mental framework of how reality is sup’ posed to be. We short-circuit our emotions and renounce our negative attitudes towards life. This deep knowing comes from the absolute certainty of who we are, and may manifest itself in voices or pictures or even go beyond images, giving us a direct experience of Self.

This angel is also know as The Angel of Harmony

Angel of Happy Marriage
Angel of Being

The Angel of Being is an important card of femininity and motherhood. It is also one of the strongest pregnancy cards in the deck. If you are a mother, you will really come into your own and find fulfilment. If you are a father, The Angel of Being encourages you to build on your communication with your children and show them your nurturing side. Even if you are not a parent, when The Angel of Being appears the message is the same, you should embrace your softer side, allow yourself to explore the emotions you are feeling and listen to your intuition. People will be drawn to you, especially those in need of the empathy, compassion and nurturing you are able to provide.

The Angel of Being blesses us for being mirrors of God’s love. It helps transform reality into a vision for ourselves in which we feel loved and supported. It illuminates our awareness that we are a vital part of the creation. Because we exist as a part of the creation, not separate from it, we are entitled to love, respect and prosperity. The Angel of Being encourages us to know ourselves and to understand that we are, at core, aspects of the Source. This angel gives us assistance to create a simple and fulfilling way of life for ourselves. When we choose joy, love and health, we move towards being co-creators of the universe. The Angel of Being affirms our vision and blesses it. It helps us to create our lives using all the ability we have to draw the good and joyful to us.

This angel is also know as The Angel of Harmony

Angel of Happy Marriage
Guardian Angel of Spiritual Growth

The Guardian Angel of Spiritual Growth represents progress, moving into calmer waters, moving on or moving forward. It is a minor card of overcoming hardship, healing, relief and stability so you can expect problems in your life to settle down and things to be much easier to deal with. The Guardian Angel of Spiritual Growth can also represent escaping, running away, journeys, travel, travelling overseas and going on holiday. It can signify feeling lethargic and deflated after coming through a tough time or the calm after the storm. It is also a card of intuition, inner guidance and spirit guides.

The primary purpose of our earthly incarnation is our development as spiritual beings. It is this Guardian Angel who guards our spiritual growth throughout life, always defending our souls. This angel blesses all the activities which nurture our spirit’s welfare, which in fact means the things which are loving and respectful to ourselves. It helps us to discover what we need to recognize: the fact that we are loved and cherished. If what our spirit needs is fun then this angel will encourage us to lighten up and perhaps seek the company of a good friend and have an enjoyable time.

This angel is also know as The Angel of Harmony