1000 ANGELS: Request The Angel of Forward Planning to draw close
This angel comes forward as part of a group of Helper Angels and brings all of the wisdom needed to help on the issue of Forward Planning
Connecting with The Angel of Forward Planning for Support: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, in your head, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Forward Planning please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Forward Planning brings this: “I can do anything I want to”
The Angel of Wisdom represents freedom, adventure, travel, moving abroad and foreign lands. It can indicate hard work paying off, success and being happy with your choices or the outcome of your situation. This card also signifies foresight, forward planning, moving forward, growth and expansion. It is a minor card of self-confidence, self-belief, spreading your wings and experiencing life. It tells you that fortune favors the brave. It can also represent holiday romances and long distance relationships.
This angel is the bearer of God’s wisdom, which is carried throughout the universe to all those who seek to know The Word of God. This angel helps us find our wisdom by opening ourselves to the depths of our experience and knowing what is true for us. When we give ourselves the opportunity to reflect, synthesize and distil our personal experiences we find wisdom. With it we can progress along our path, enriching our understanding and deepening our spirituality.