1000 ANGELS: Invite The Angel of False Prophecy to draw close
This angel comes forward as part of a group of Helper Angels and brings all of the wisdom needed to help on the issue of False Prophecy
Tuning in with The Angel of False Prophecy for Counsel: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, or subconciousley, for example ‘Beloved Angel of False Prophecy please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of False Prophecy brings this: “My personal image speaks wealth and success..”
The Angel of Freedom card indicates that you are in a situation that you are not happy with. You may be feeling like you are stuck in a rut or trapped in a situation or frame of mind that is not making you happy but you have the power to release yourself. This may involve walking away from the situation or simply changing your perspective on it. The Angel of Freedom may also signify that you may be facing a dilemma and are unsure of what path to take. You may feel that things are not turning out the way you planned with this major card appearing in your spread. You need to step outside yourself and look at your situation from a different angle. Give yourself time to just relax, stop trying to control things and just let them be, the correct course of action will become clear to you in time.
The Angel of Freedom blesses us and helps us realize the freedom of the divine spirit within us. It offers untold gifts when we allow freedom to be an integral part of our lives. We need only to desire the experience of our freedom and this angel will assist us in knowing it at every turn. It will help us realize that freedom is who we are. There are many aspects to freedom, and this angel will show us the numerous ways in which we can share in its gift. It may mean freedom from the constraints of our worldly existence. It could as well mean a deep experience of who we are at core, and that is an awareness rather than something we do. It is not freedom from something as much as freedom to be ourselves which this angel brings to our consciousness.