The Angel of External Forces

1000 ANGELS: Invite The Angel of External Forces to draw close

This angel comes forward as part of a group of Helper Angels and brings all of the wisdom needed to help on the issue of External Forces

Appealing to The Angel of External Forces for Love: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, or just think it, for example ‘Beloved Angel of External Forces please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of External Forces brings this: “Staying away from alcohol comes naturally to me”

Angel of External Forces
Guardian Angel Elemiah

The Guardian Angel Elemiah is generally an indicator of luck or destiny and it is a major signifier of change. When The Guardian Angel Elemiah appears upright in your reading big changes are coming. These changes should be for your greater good, but remember not all change is easy even if it’s leading you to your destiny! The Guardian Angel Elemiah signals that the universe is working in your favor to help you reach your goals. Make sure you make the most of this time by focusing your intention on what you truly want! Know that the universe has a plan for you even if that plan is not clear to you at this point. The Guardian Angel Elemiah also represents the ever-changing cycles we go through in life. We must learn to accept this process as part of living, even if it’s uncomfortable at times. This trump card is also a karma card so remember to be nice to people on your way up, you may be meeting them again on your way back down!

The Angel Elemiah, commonly related to the mysteries and everything that humanity does not know. It is usually invoked to overcome the afflictions of the spirit and discover those who see to do us harm, to protect us from misfortune. He protects on our travels and also helps us to void accidents. Elemiah brings peace of mind for worried people and shows us the way when people are working against us. He reminds us to see the inner beauty in ourselves.