444 Angel Number

444 Meaning: If you keep seeing 444 this is the angels way of trying to catch your attention. Here are the angels that will enlighten you on the Meaning of Angel Number 444. This angel number is sometimes related to time of day ‘visits’ from guides or angels. Please see below. If you see angel number 4 a lot or in multiples, please see below. It is usually to do with repeating patterns.


The Angel of Eternal Love

Angel Meanings: kindness, assistance, prosperity, power, donations, wealth, philanthropy, being well paid, giving/receiving, fairness, charity, being valued, generosity, authority, investors, money, employment, rewards for hard work, support, sharing, community, gratitude, control, gifts

Angel Number 12 Meaning The Angel of Eternal Love is a source of comfort and solace for anyone who grieves for lost love. In point of fact, love cannot be lost. It is indelible and remains a part of us through eternity. It is as though love becomes grafted on to our souls, and with each experience of love our soul expands and develops. It enhances and enlarges our perspective of ourselves, it helps us to realize that the universe is a safe and sweet place, meant to give us happiness and joy.


The Archangel Raziel

Angel Meanings: willpower, creativity, intellect, self-confidence, influence, sleight of hand, power, logic, resourcefulness, ability, skill, will-power, dexterity

What does Angel Number 44 Mean? Raziel always knows the answer. He heightens our faith and belief in God and spirits. To me, he is the most knowledgeable of all the angels. He possesses a deeper understanding of life in general, and encourages us to strengthen our bonds to the spiritual realm – especially in God and the Archangels. His energy is mature and wise. His words are direct, intelligent, and patient. He has a lot of knowledge to share, so it’s best to pay attention when he’s around. You can call on him when you need to restore your faith in God, or if you need to restore faith in yourself. I find that he comes around when I have a lot of life questions. He answers them in ways I never could imagine.


The Angel Prince of the East

Angel Meanings: love, engagements, proposals, cooperation, balance, marriage, relationships, potential soulmates, harmony, happy couples, connection, compatibility, equality, romance, unity, friendship, partnership, attraction

What does Angel Number 4 Mean? Our feelings are a strong and elemental force which can unleash great waves of emotion. Feelings, if unexpressed, ferment and form an unconscious pull of their own, eventually demanding to be expressed and resolved. When we are open to feelings, on the other hand, emotions flow like water. What we seek is a balance in which we are aware of our feelings and can also express them. We want to feel what is true for us rather than suppress our life force in bottled up emotions. Repressed anger, sadness or anxiety will inevitably draw us into situations which can act like a magnet, pulling our feelings up to the surface. If we are unaware, our emotional projections may make us feel we are the victims of a situation, rather than owning that it has been created out of our unexpressed emotions.

Repeating Angel Numbers such as 44 444 4444 44444 can be a sign that you are being told something important about Angel Number 4. See Repeating Numbers for more information. When you see repeating numbers like 4 etc., or a single number cropping up 3 or more times then its time to break the numbers down and look closer at Angel Number 4. One simple meaning is Angel Number 4 means Take A Leap Of Faith


If you are looking for the angel meaning of time of day numbers like 04:44 it means pay attention to the numbers themselves OR to expect a spiritual visit or some other event around 4am

The exact time is not that important. Late at night it could well come in a dream! See Waking up at Meanings and also See Seeing a Time Meanings for more information

More Detail including Reversed Meanings