2222 Angel Number

2222 Meaning: If you keep seeing 2222 this is the angels way of trying to catch your attention. Here are the angels that will enlighten you on the Meaning of Angel Number 2222. This angel number is most often related to the time of day. Please see below. If you see angel number 2 a lot or in multiples, please see below. It is usually to do with repeating patterns.


The Angel of Peace

Angel Meanings: balance, harmonious relationships, temperance, tranquility, moderation, perspective, good influence, patience, confidence, peace, inner calm

Angel Number 8 Meaning The Angel of Peace channels the energy we need to resolve conflicts and paradoxes in our lives. It helps us to live a life compatible with our needs and desires, giving us the opportunity to flourish in a peaceful way. This angel smooths the path to peace so that we can find love and accept ourselves. Peace offers us the possibility of living in a way that is congruent with our natural rhythms and cycles and that honors our potential gifts and abilities.


The Angel Prince of the East

Angel Meanings: love, engagements, proposals, cooperation, balance, marriage, relationships, potential soulmates, harmony, happy couples, connection, compatibility, equality, romance, unity, friendship, partnership, attraction

What does Angel Number 4 Mean? Our feelings are a strong and elemental force which can unleash great waves of emotion. Feelings, if unexpressed, ferment and form an unconscious pull of their own, eventually demanding to be expressed and resolved. When we are open to feelings, on the other hand, emotions flow like water. What we seek is a balance in which we are aware of our feelings and can also express them. We want to feel what is true for us rather than suppress our life force in bottled up emotions. Repressed anger, sadness or anxiety will inevitably draw us into situations which can act like a magnet, pulling our feelings up to the surface. If we are unaware, our emotional projections may make us feel we are the victims of a situation, rather than owning that it has been created out of our unexpressed emotions.


The Archangel Uriel

Angel Meanings: hopelessness, abuse, cheating, ill temper, ravage, dependency, powerlessness, obsession, disaster, violence, controversy, depression, downfall, unexpected failure, addiction, secrecy, mental health issues, bondage, materialism, sexuality

What does Angel Number 22 Mean? Uriel, whose name means ‘Light of God’, is the angel who brings humankind knowledge and understanding of the Divine. He is the most radiant of angels and has been depicted descending from heaven on a fiery chariot drawn by white horses. He has been variously called the Flame of God, Angel of the Presence, and Angel of Salvation. He is also known as the Prince of Light and interpreter of prophecies. It was Uriel whom God sent to Noah to warn him of the deluge. The Bible also tells how Uriel descended into the Garden of Eden on a sunbeam and stood at its gate with a fiery sword. He is also the angel who watches over thunder and terror. As the Angel of Repentance he can help us to understand the laws of karma, which, put very simply, mean that we reap what we sow.

Repeating Angel Numbers such as 22 222 2222 22222 can be a sign that you are being told something important about Angel Number 2. See Repeating Numbers for more information. When you see repeating numbers like 22 etc., or a single number cropping up 3 or more times then its time to break the numbers down and look closer at Angel Number 2. One simple meaning is Angel Number 2 means Expect Harmony And Balance


If you are looking for the angel meaning of time of day numbers like 22:22 it means pay attention to the numbers themselves OR to expect a spiritual visit or some other event around 10pm

The exact time is not that important. Late at night it could well come in a dream! See Waking up at Meanings and also See Seeing a Time Meanings for more information

More Detail including Reversed Meanings