808 Angel Number

808 Meaning: If you keep seeing 808 this is the angels way of trying to catch your attention. Here are the angels that will enlighten you on the Meaning of Angel Number 808. This angel number is sometimes related to time of day ‘visits’ from guides or angels. Please see below. If you see angel number a lot or in multiples, please see below. It is usually to do with repeating patterns.


The Angel of Mercy

Angel Meanings: contemplation, feeling overwhelmed, spiritual counselling or support, mental overload, regrouping, rest, introspection, self-protection, planning for the future, relaxation, strife, hospitalisation, needing solitude, fear, anxiety, meditation, peace and quiet, recuperation, retreat, stress, temporary exile, sanctuary

Angel Number 16 Meaning The Angel of Mercy offers us the love of God as a living reality. When we are faced with an unbearable situation and suddenly there is a shift of energy or a change in circumstances, we are being blessed by The Angel of Mercy. We are helped constantly to turn our thoughts and attitudes around through the aid of Divine mercy. It may be in small and subtle ways that we experience mercy. It can come in the form of a friendly phone call when we are feeling despair, or a gentle boost to our confidence in circumstances where we are unsure of ourselves. It could unfold in so many situations which we do not control, or where we are affected by our conscious minds. For instance, we could meet a person who changes our lives, or we could be accepted or rejected for a job or a course of study.


Angel Meanings:

What does Angel Number 80 Mean?


The Angel of Peace

Angel Meanings: balance, harmonious relationships, temperance, tranquility, moderation, perspective, good influence, patience, confidence, peace, inner calm

What does Angel Number 8 Mean? The Angel of Peace channels the energy we need to resolve conflicts and paradoxes in our lives. It helps us to live a life compatible with our needs and desires, giving us the opportunity to flourish in a peaceful way. This angel smooths the path to peace so that we can find love and accept ourselves. Peace offers us the possibility of living in a way that is congruent with our natural rhythms and cycles and that honors our potential gifts and abilities.


If you are looking for the angel meaning of time of day numbers like 08:08 it means pay attention to the numbers themselves OR to expect a spiritual visit or some other event around 8am

The exact time is not that important. Late at night it could well come in a dream! See Waking up at Meanings and also See Seeing a Time Meanings for more information

More Detail including Reversed Meanings