The Angel of Adversity

1000 ANGELS: Invite The Angel of Adversity to draw close

This angel comes forward as part of a group of Archangels and brings 3 more angels for a balance to help on the issue of Adversity

Tuning in with The Angel of Adversity for Help: You don’t have to pray to your angels as such, just something short and respectful, as you would talk to a friend, for example ‘Beloved Angel of Adversity please draw close and be with me during this difficult time’.The Angel of Adversity brings this: “Making my partner happy is important to me”

Angel of Adversity
Archangel Raphael

Angel of Adversity
Guardian Angel Ananiel

The Guardian Angel Ananiel represents overcoming obstacles through determination, focus and willpower. With this major card in your spread you will be feeling motivated, ambitious and in control. Now is a time to go for what you really want. The Guardian Angel Ananiel is not without its challenges, there may be many obstacles in your path but if you stay focused, keep your composure and are confident in your abilities, you will be successful! It can also represent travel (usually involving driving) as The Guardian Angel Ananiel is after all a mode of transport. The Guardian Angel Ananiel can also indicate that you may be acting defensively or aggressively to hide that you are feeling emotionally vulnerable. You may feel like you are in a battle at the moment. Don’t worry, if you maintain your focus, you will be successful! The Guardian Angel Ananiel is also an indicator of success in sports or competitions. The Guardian Angel Ananiel represents finding the balance between the heart and mind. Put any worries aside and maintain your focus.

Ananiel is the bringer of storms and upheaval. The guardian angel Ananiel appears when a situation is cloudy. His name can be translated as Divine Cloud in ancient Hebrew, a signal that he brings calm after a storm. Ananiel is also known as an angelic guard of the three gates and symbolizes decisions and problems involving 3 people or issues that aren’t black and white. In love triangles, this is the angel to call on. He will help us stop feeling sorry for ourselves and to put things into perspective.

Angel of Adversity
Guardian Angel of Service

The Guardian Angel of Service represents unhappiness, heartache, sorrow and sadness. It is a minor card of grief, loss, depression and tears and when it appears in your reading it generally indicates a period of difficulty or hardship, usually on an emotional level. Distraction, conflict, disillusion and serious misunderstanding are all represented by this card so whatever situation it signifies will bring with it confusion, upset and upheaval. The Guardian Angel of Service also indicates depression, trauma, disorders, loneliness, absence and betrayal. You have suffered or will suffer a loss or betrayal of some kind when this card appears and not one that can easily be brushed over. You will be feeling this loss on a deep emotional level and you must give yourself time to process what has happened. Though it does represent hardship, this card is not all bad. The most difficult situations in our lives often teach us more about who we are and what we are capable of than the good times. Give yourself space and time to heal and learn all you can from the experience. If you need support, don’t be afraid to reach out to the people that love you.

This Guardian Angel looks after and blesses all those who serve; those people who have a feeling in their hearts that they would like to help make this earth a more peaceful and fruitful place for us all. For those who truly believe that what really matters is helping to get things right for the rest of us, this angel offers energy, inspiration, contacts and resources so that the jobs at hand can get done in the best possible way. These acts of service may come under the heading of civic or government work, or may be the warm gestures of love and care from volunteers, helpers or therapists. They may include simple personal favours from people who offer help; in fact, anyone who offers humane assistance in one form or another can be said to give service.

This angel is also know as The Angel of Loss

Angel of Adversity
Archangel Ramiel

The Archangel Ramiel is not a great card to get as it represents hardship, rejection or a negative change in circumstances. You may be feeling like the world is against you and nothing is going your way when it appears. It can signify bad luck, struggles or adversity. Homelessness, unemployment, alienation and poverty are all represented by this minor card and it can signify illness, divorce, breakups or scandals causing turmoil in your life. If you are feeling left out the cold, firstly, remember that this situation is only temporary and then ask yourself if you are reaching out for any help or support that is available. There is help out there for you. It may be in the form of moral support from friends or family, financial assistance from social welfare, or even the kindness of strangers but whatever it is, take it. Nothing lasts forever and this hardship too shall pass.

The Archangel Ramiel, angel of thunder, is another fallen angel, considered to be an angel of hope. Ramiel has two tasks assigned to him by God, he is the bearer of visions, and one of the angelic guides of the afterlife, escorting us into heaven when our time has come. He comes in readings to signify the death of miserable situations when it is time to move on or to bring hope while certain situations play out. He can help with dreams and channeling if we are struggling to connect to spirit.